01 01 介绍与项目综述RevIT架构(01 01 Introduction and Project OverviewRevit Architectur)
02 01 使用RIFIT架构作为BIM平台(02 01 Using Revit Architecture as a BIM Platform)
02 02 RevIT体系结构的用户界面探索(02 02 Exploring Revit Architecture"s User Interface)
02 03 复仇中的三种不同类型的家庭(02 03 The Three Different Types of Families in Revit)
02 04 向项目添加级别(02 04 Adding Levels to Your Project)
02 05 在建筑物中建立一个现成的概念质量(02 05 Creating an In-place Conceptual Mass of a Building)
02 06 操纵概念块的边和面(02 06 Manipulating Edges and Faces of a Conceptual Mass)
02 07 在RIFIT模型中集结和放置地板(02 07 Massing and Placing Floors into the Revit Model)
02 08 在ReVIT模型中添加外墙(02 08 Adding Exterior Walls to the Revit Model)
02 09 创建店面幕墙(02 09 Creating a Storefront Curtain Wall)
02 10 为RIVIT模型创建屋顶(02 10 Creating a Roof for the Revit Model)
02 11 从概念群众的脸上创造屋顶(02 11 Creating a Roof from the Face of a Conceptual Mass)
02 12 内壁构图的制作与编辑(02 12 Creating and Editing Interior Wall Compositions)
02 13 修改墙(02 13 Modifying Walls)
02 14 创建自定义墙组件(02 14 Creating a Custom Wall Assembly)
02 15 把门放入你的RIFIT模型(02 15 Placing Doors into Your Revit Model)
02 16 将窗口放入RIFIT模型(02 16 Placing Windows into Your Revit Model)
02 17 在RIFIT模型中添加固件(02 17 Adding Fixtures to a Revit Model)
02 18 将家具放入RIFIT模型(02 18 Placing Furniture into a Revit Model)
02 19 创建地形图(02 19 Creating a Toposurface)
02 21 将站点组件放置到您的拓扑结构上(02 21 Placing Site Components Onto Your Toposurface)
02 22 创建RIFIT模型的楼梯(02 22 Creating Stairs for the Revit Model)
02 23 为地板开口创造栏杆(02 23 Creating Railings for the Floor Openings)
02 24 将尺寸应用于平面图视图(02 24 Applying Dimensions to a Floor Plan View)
02 25 标签窗口, 门, 墙平面视图中的墙壁(02 25 Tagging Windows, Doors, and Walls in a Floor Plan View)
02 26 墙壁组件中的标签材料(02 26 Tagging Material in a Wall Assembly)
02 27 创建房间规划和色彩填充图例(02 27 Creating a Room Plan and Color Fill Legend)
02 28 从RIFIT模型创建截面视图(02 28 Creating a Section View from the Revit Model)
02 29 创建和排序进度表(02 29 Creating and Sorting Schedules)
02 30 把你的观点放在纸上(02 30 Placing Your Views Onto Sheets)
02 20 创建拓扑表面的子区域(02 20 Creating a Subregion of a Toposurface)
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