1 - 确定目标(1 - Defining Goals)
2 - 研究(2 - Research)
3 - 搅拌机设置(3 - Blender Setup)
4 - 塑造原始的头型(4 - Sculpting a Primitive Head Shape)
5 - 雕刻一个完整的平面头部(5 - Sculpting a complete Planar Head)
6 - 平滑平面头部(6 - Smoothing the Planar Head)
7 - 设计头部造型(7 - Stylising the Head Sculpt)
8 - 时光飞逝-雕刻雨的头(8 - Timelapse - Sculpting Rain"s Head)
9 - 时间点-顶点绘制(9 - Timelapse - Vertex Painting)
10 - 延时-造型头发(10 - Timelapse - Sculpting Hair)
11 - Timelapse-头部设计变化(11 - Timelapse - Head Design Variations)
12 - Timelapse-完成Rain的头部设计(12 - Timelapse - Finishing Rain"s Head Design)
1 - 创建基本体(1 - Creating a Primitive Body)
2 - 雕刻平面躯干(2 - Sculpting the Planar Torso)
3 - 雕刻平面手臂& 腿(3 - Sculpting the Planar Arms & Legs)
4 - 雕刻平面手& 脚(4 - Sculpting the Planar Hands & Feet)
5 - 平滑的& 设计车身造型(5 - Smoothing & Stylising the Body)
6 - 创建衣服基础网格(6 - Creating Clothing Basemeshes)
7 - 其他基础网格建模(7 - Modelling additional Basemeshes)
8 - 拉伸与压缩(8 - Stretching vs Compression)
9 - 雕刻皱纹& 褶皱(9 - Sculpting Wrinkles & Folds)
10 - 抛光表面(10 - Polishing the Surfaces)
11 - 完成附加元素(11 - Finishing the additional Elements)
12 - 时空雕塑雨体(12 - Timelapse_ Sculpting Rains Body)
13 - 秋日秋装(13 - Timelapse_ Rains Autumn Outfit)
14 - 调整比例和服装的时间间隔(14 - Timelapse_ Adjusting Proportions and the Outfit)
15 - Timelapse Rains夏日套装(15 - Timelapse_ Rains Summer Outfit)
16 - 延时雕塑雨最终装备(16 - Timelapse_ Sculpting Rains final Outfit)