空气排气: 空气制动机在过山车上, 室外的爆炸, b 液压哀鸣/G[1](2s);[2](2s);[3](2s);[4](2s);[5](3s)下载 收藏
air actuator: pneumatic clamp, ambient, clamp, [1](3s):hold, release;[2](2s):release;[3](2s):release;[4](2s):release;[5](3s):hold, release; distant下载 收藏
air flow: connect hose to tank, [1](2s):connect with kiss, rising flow to pressure;[2](2s):soft connect with thump, rising flow to pressure;[3](2s):soft connect with thump, rising flow to pressure;[4](2s):soft connect with thump, rising flow to pressure下载 收藏
air, other: tool holder on cnc mill, [1](4s):suction, long (shop in bg);[2](5s):suction, long (shop in bg);[3](6s):soft clunk, suction, thunk (shop in bg);[4](7s):clunk, suction and tool actions (shop in bg)下载 收藏
air cylinder: hatchback door damper, [1](4s):open;[2](4s):close下载 收藏
空气流量: 从坦克与蒸气压力释放, 黑暗, 溅射嘶嘶声: ON, 衰减到什么下载 收藏
air piston: motorcycle cylinder with open end, slow [1](63s):accelerate, irregular run, slow stop;[2](27s):irregular run下载 收藏
air cylinder: hand pump actions, smooth, [1](3s):push plunger; slow;[2](2s):push plunger; faster;[3](3s):push plunger; very slow;[4](1s):pull plunger; fast, some resistance;[5](1s):pull plunger; fast, no resistance;[6](1s):push plunger; with resistance;[7](2s):push plunger; slow with resistance;[8](2s):push plunger; slow with resistance;[9](2s):push plunger; slow with resistance, whistle;[10](2s):push plunger; slow with resistance, whistle;[11](2s):push plunger; fast to slow with resist, whistle;[12](3s):push plunger; fast to slow with resist, whistle;[13](2s):push plunger; faster slide with resistance;[14](1s):pull plunger; fast with bounce of internal spring下载 收藏
空气流量: 坦克的恒定流, 中端嘶嘶声与轻微环: ON, 流量, Off下载 收藏
air intake: small, fast chuffs, [1](1s):chuff;[2](1s):chuff;[3](1s):quick, strong chuff;[4](1s):quick, strong chuff;[5](1s):quick, strong chuff;[6](1s):quick, strong chuff;[7](1s):quick, strong chuff下载 收藏
air actuator: pneumatic clamp, large, ambient, chuff with large slide, [1](2s):clunk;[2](2s):clunk;[3](3s):clunk, chuff;[4](3s):clunk, chuff下载 收藏
air actuator: roller coaster, lap bar release; [1](2s):chuff-clunk, distant;[2](3s):chuff-clunk;[3](3s):chuff-clunk;[4](3s):chuff-clunk;[5](3s):chuff-clunk下载 收藏
air cylinder: hand pump actions, gritty & resonant, [1](5s):push plunger; rising resonance, very slow;[2](2s):push plunger; rising resonance;[3](2s):push plunder; rising resonance;[4](3s):pull plunger; slight falling resonance;[5](2s):push plunger; rising resonance, fast with thunk下载 收藏
air cylinder: hand pump actions, resonant, [1](2s):push plunger; soft rising slide;[2](2s):push plunger; soft rising slide;[3](1s):push plunger; fast slide with end hit;[4](1s):push plunger; soft rising slide;[5](1s):push plunger; quick slide with thunk, hiss;[6](1s):push plunger; hiss, deep thunk;[7](2s):push plunger; soft slide, hiss, small thunk;[8](1s):push plunger; rising slide, small thunk;[9](1s):pull plunger; falling slide, small thunk;[10](1s):push plunger; rising slide, small thunk;[11](2s):push plunger; slide with resistance, small thunk;[12](1s):push plunger; fast rising slide with hard stop;[13](1s):push plunger; fast rising slide with hard stop下载 收藏
air cylinder: manual actions, rattly, push plunger; [1](2s):slide with resistance;[2](2s):slide with resistance;[3](2s):slow slide, no resistance;[4](2s):slide, no resistance;[5](1s):slide, no resistance;[6](1s):fast slide;[7](1s):fast slide;[8](1s):fast slide;[9](1s):fast slide;[10](1s):fast slide下载 收藏
air exhaust: air brake from garbage truck, [1](1s):honk;[2](1s):honk, softer;[3](1s):achoo!;[4](2s):honk, strong with wheeze;[5](2s):honk, soft;[6](2s):honk, strong;[7](1s):wheeze/whir下载 收藏
air exhaust: air brake on truck, long, [1](2s):long chuff;[2](2s):long chuff;[3](2s):long chuff, sharper;[4](2s):long chuff;[5](3s):long chuff;[6](3s):soft chuff, then gentle exhaust下载 收藏
空气排气: 卡车上的空气制动, 短, 快速压力释放[1](1s);[2](1s);[3](1s)下载 收藏
air exhaust: air hose blasts in shop, dark, ambient, [1](1s):short blast;[2](1s):short blast;[3](2s):longer blast, slight fluctuation;[4](3s):softer blast;[5](4s):strong blast;[6](3s):two strong blasts;[7](3s):two strong blasts, slower下载 收藏
air exhaust: air hose blasts in shop, soft, ambient, [1](2s):constant pressure;[2](2s):constant pressure;[3](3s):pop, then decaying pressure;[4](3s):constant pressure;[5](4s):constant pressure;[6](6s):constant pressure;[7](7s):constant pressure下载 收藏
air exhaust: chuffs and actions from small cylinder, [1](1s):short pressure blast;[2](1s):short pressure blast;[3](2s):pressure release;[4](1s):short pressure release;[5](1s):soft, short pressure release;[6](2s):long pressure release;[7](4s):strong, long pressure release with long hiss;[8](1s):very quick stroke with short pressure blast;[9](1s):very quick stroke with short pressure blast;[10](1s):thumpy stroke with short pressure blast;[11](1s):thumpy stroke with short pressure blast, longer;[12](2s):stroke with pressure blast;[13](2s):sliding stroke with pressure blast;[14](1s):quick slide, small release;[15](2s):quick slide, very soft release;[16](2s):long slide with thump;[17](3s):tubular slide with high, crackly hiss下载 收藏
air exhaust: disconnect hose, [1](2s):small pop with pressure release;[2](2s):stronger pop with pressure release;[3](2s):crackle, then pop with release blast (hose break)下载 收藏
air exhaust: high-pressure chuffs, [1](3s):chuff with decaying pressure;[2](3s):chuff with decaying pressure;[3](3s):chuff with decaying pressure, ambient;[4](3s):chuff with decaying pressure, ambient;[5](2s):constant flow, low pressure leak下载 收藏
air exhaust: pneumatic clamp, short, ambient, [1](2s):honky blast;[2](2s):honky blast, softer;[3](1s):honky blast, softer still;[4](2s):quite soft, no honk下载 收藏
air exhaust: pressure releases, manual control, [1](1s):constant medium pressure, short;[2](3s):constant medium pressure, long;[3](7s):pressure drops to zero, long;[4](1s):low pressure, then medium;[5](2s):low pressure, then medium, stronger;[6](2s):medium pressure, low, then medium again;[7](3s):medium pressure to low, then chuff;[8](1s):quick, strong chiff下载 收藏
air exhaust: small releases from dust-off, [1](1s):short puff;[2](1s):stronger short puff;[3](1s):short blast;[4](1s):short blast;[5](1s):blast;[6](1s):longer blast;[7](2s):long blast;[8](2s):softer long blast;[9](3s):soft, long blast下载 收藏
air exhaust: solenoid valve, small pressure releases, [1](1s):quick fart;[2](1s):quick fart, lower pitch;[3](1s):light chiff;[4](1s):chuff;[5](1s):chuff;[6](1s):chiff with sharp attack下载 收藏
air exhaust: staple gun, valve action only (no impact), [1](1s):low;[2](1s):lower;[3](1s):sharp;[4](1s):fall and rise;[5](1s):higher;[6](1s):slower;[7](1s):deeper, less intense;[8](1s):short;[9](1s):long;[10](2s):long;[11](4s):longest;[12](1s):short;[13](1s):quicker;[14](1s):quickest下载 收藏
air flow: connect hose to tank with air escape, [1](2s):quick chuff, short rise to pressure;[2](2s):blast, short rise to pressure;[3](3s):blast, short rise to pressure;[4](2s):softer blast, short rise to pressure;[5](2s):softer blast, short rise to pressure, ambient下载 收藏
air flow: opening valve on tank, [1](15s):pressure builds in hose to gentle hiss;[2](16s):pressure builds in hose to gentle hiss;[3](15s):pressure builds in hose to gentle hiss;[4](11s):sharp open, pressure decays to zero;[5](8s):very sharp open, pressure decays to zero下载 收藏
air flow: tank fill, fast, ringy metallic tone, rising [1](7s):chuff;[2](6s):chuff to hiss下载 收藏
air flow: tank fill, slow, light metallic tone, [1](2s):on/flow/off; short;[2](2s):on/flow/off; short;[3](4s):on/flow/off; soft;[4](4s):on/flow/off; soft;[5](5s):on/flow/off; soft;[6](11s):on/flow/off; strong, long;[7](37s):on, slow decay to nothing;[8](36s):on, slow decay to nothing; soft on;[9](43s):on, slow decay to nothing; strong start下载 收藏
air intake: small with soft attack, [1](1s):short;[2](1s):short;[3](1s):strong;[4](1s):short;[5](1s):longer attack;[6](1s):strong;[7](1s):long, strong;[8](1s):short, nasal;[9](1s):tubular pop下载 收藏
air, other: guide actions on cnc mill, [1](2s):out; resonant;[2](3s):in/out; resonant;[3](3s):in/out; resonant;[4](3s):in/out; resonant;[5](3s):irregular out; resonant;[6](3s):out; smooth, airy;[7](2s):irregular in; resonant;[8](3s):irregular in; resonant, longer;[9](4s):irregular in/out; resonant;[10](3s):out; resonant with close and latch;[11](4s):out; resonant with clunks下载 收藏