Fan: 8毫米投影仪, ON/跑/Off; 温柔的呼呼下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
Fan: 工业珠冲击波, 环境, ON, 跑, 人工湖关闭, 空心的轰鸣声下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
fan: car ventilation system, click on, run, [1](65s):click off, low speed, rumbly whir;[2](89s):off; high speed, rumbly whir下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
Fan: 磁带卡座电机, 慢下来, 跑, 慢点开, 金属呼呼下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
Fan: 小风机, ON/跑/Off; 高速度冲引起极大轰动下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
Fan: 电动汽轮鼓风机组, 汹涌而至的空气, 长起, 高速度运行, 长时间下来1下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
fan: medium size blower, [1](58s):on/run/off; low speed, buzz with light whir;[2](75s):up/run/down; very high speed下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
fan: electric turbine blower, rushing of air, [1](74s):fast up, high speed run, fast down;[2](137s):long up, high speed run, long down 1下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
air compressor, ambient, start, [1](79s):run/stop; thumping/chuffing;[2](67s):faster run, stop; vibrating下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
fan: car ventilation system, on/run/off; [1](85s):low speed, rumbly whir;[2](64s):medium speed, rumbly whir;[3](73s):high speed, rumbly whir下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
fan: electric turbine blower, whine, long up, [1](123s):medium speed run, down; smooth 1;[2](134s):high speed run, down; smooth 1;[3](134s):high speed run, down; smooth 1下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)
fan: squirrel cage blower, [1](72s):long rattly up, run, down; mellow whir;[2](72s):long rattly up, run, down; whine, whir;[3](49s):up/run/down; smooth, airy whir, long down下载 收藏球迷(fans) / 鼓风机(blowers)