
  • 其他 : Digital Tutors
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    8 人已学习
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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 当一个设计师坐下建立一个标志,有大量的不同的工作流,它将帮助他们到达他们想要的最终结果。但我们如何知道该选哪?哪一个是最快的?在这个过程中我会掰下来的我们的标志,建设共享我选择每个方法为处理特定任务的原因。一路走来,我们将学习一些东西就像斑点画笔和橡皮擦工具、 图像跟踪和清理,以及活在这里画插画和 ps。完成此课程后,你会熟悉的工具和技术用来建造我们的客户生气 Taco 徽标。 原文:  When a designer sits down to build a logo, there are a number of different workflows which will help them get to their desired end result. But how do we know which to choose? Which one is the quickest? In this course I’ll be breaking down the construction of our logo, sharing why I choose each method for tackling specific tasks. Along the way, we’ll learn about things like the blob brush and eraser tool, image tracing and cleanup as well as live painting here in Illustrator and ps. After completing this course, you’ll be familiar with the tools and techniques used to build the logo for our client The Angry Taco.