1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and project overview)
2. 工具和起始建模概述(2. Overview of the tool and starting modeling)
3. 创建高聚枪(3. Creating the high poly gun)
4. 建模的桶(4. Modeling the barrel)
5. 创建主框架(5. Creating the main frame)
6. 整理的主框架(6. Finishing the main frame)
7. 建模的视线和其他金属的细节(7. Modeling the sight and other metal details)
8. 建模第二个一半的详细信息(8. Modeling the details for the second half)
9. 添加小细节(9. Adding the small details)
10. 建模的杂志(10. Modeling the magazine)
11. 网格上固定的几个问题(11. Fixing some issues on the mesh)
12. 创建低模版本(12. Creating the low poly version)
13. 继续重新拓扑(13. Continuing to retopologize)
14. 完成进行(14. Finishing the retopology)
15. 低聚版本的最后工序(15. Last touches on the low poly version)
16. 展开的枪(16. Unwrapping the gun)
17. 烘焙法线贴图和环境遮挡(17. Baking normal map and ambient occlusion)
18. 在 Photoshop 中固定地图(18. Fixing the maps in Photoshop)
19. 创建选择蒙版(19. Creating the selection mask)
20. 继续绘制纹理的枪(20. Continuing to paint textures for the gun)
21. 整理的纹理和创建高光贴图(21. Finishing textures and creating the specular map)