01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and Project Overview)
02.准备的插画家资产(02.Preparing the Illustrator assets)
03.导入的资产和设置后影响临(03.Importing the assets and setting up the After Effects pro)
04.设置视频的标题(04.Setting up the title of the video)
05.动画标题的休息和调整时间(05.Animating the rest of the title and adjusting the timing)
06.创建动画预设(06.Creating an animation preset)
07.动画使用鱼液化(07.Animating a fish using liquify)
08.渲染鱼动画,并导入循环(08.Rendering the fish animation and importing to loop)
09.创建一所学校使用特定的鱼群(09.Creating a school of fish using Particular)
10.使用原始动画的鱼创建战栗(10.Using the original animated fish to create a straggler)
11.引进物种文字和旗帜(11.Bringing in the species text and banner)
12.动画的海龟(12.Animating the sea turtle)
13.动画的黄色小鱼路径(13.Animating the small yellow fishs path)
14.从文本横幅过渡到馅饼图圆(14.Transitioning from the text banner to the pie graph circl)
15.用径向擦创建饼图动画(15.Creating the pie chart animation with a radial wipe)
16.添加具有影响的世界动画(16.Adding the world animation with effects)
17.过渡到下一个饼图(17.Transitioning to the next pie graph)
18.完成馅饼图揭示(18.Completing the pie graph reveal)
19.动画传奇(19.Animating the legend)
20.转换到3D 文本(20.Transitioning to the 3D text)
21.动画3D 文本使用摄像机跟随演讲(21.Animating 3D text using a camera to follow speech)
22.继续进行动画处理3D 文本(22.Continuing to animate the 3D text)
23.从文本转换到箭头(23.Transitioning from the text to the arrow)
24.向箭头添加文本和图形(24.Adding the text and graphic to the arrow)
25.通过相机的动画3D 珊瑚(25.Animating the camera through 3D coral)
26.添加鱼细节和褪色的珊瑚(26.Adding the fish detail and fading the coral)
27.动画文本呼出(27.Animating the text call-out)
28.动画与修剪路径和动画 pres 图(28.Animating the graph with trim paths and an animation pres)
29.向关系图添加摄像机运动(29.Adding a camera movement to the graph)
30.从图过渡到问题文本(30.Transitioning from the graph to the question text)
31.创建3D 群鱼(31.Creating a 3D school of fish)
32.过渡的鱼群与文本(32.Transitioning the school of fish with the text)
33.因为动画简介(33.Introducing the cause animations)
34.动画事业组成的珊瑚(34.Animating the coral bleaching cause composition)
35.二氧化碳和臭氧耗竭原因 co 进行动画处理(35.Animating the carbon dioxide and ozone depletion cause co)
36.创建3D 自旋过渡(36.Creating a 3D spin transition)
37.使用回旋动画预设和修剪到 animat 路径(37.Using the swing animation preset and trim paths to animat)
38.珊瑚规模上与偏移的关键帧的动画(38.Animating the coral to scale on with offset keyframes)
39.动画的硬币与耐水性(39.Animating the coins with water resistance)
40.动画柱形图(40.Animating the column graph)
41.动画与汽车东方鱼路径(41.Animating the fish path with auto-orient)
42.预防性复合的动画(42.Animating the preventative comps)
43.整理的预防性的成分(43.Finishing the preventative compositions)
44.关闭创建小插曲, 并添加谷物(44.Creating vignettes with a closing, and adding grain)