0101 理解节拍侦探(0101 Understanding Beat Detective)
0102 准确选择(0102 Making accurate selections)
0103 瞬态分析与触发操作(0103 Transient analysis and trigger manipulation)
0104 分离区(0104 Separating regions)
0105 音频的量化与量化(0105 Conforming and quantizing audio)
0106 清理你的编辑(0106 Cleaning up your edits)
0107 棒状标记生成(0107 Bar beat marker generation)
0108 沟槽模板提取(0108 Groove template extraction)
0109 击败侦探和米迪(0109 Beat Detective and MIDI)
0301 滚筒甜味剂简介及原因(0301 Introduction to drum sweetening The why and how)
0302 使用声音替代器(0302 Using SoundReplacer)
0303 使用实时采样触发TL鼓式康复(0303 Using real-time sample triggers TL Drum Rehab)
0304 使用TL鼓康复高级功能(0304 Using TL Drum Rehab Advanced functions)
0305 转鼓过渡到MIDI(0305 Converting drum transients to MIDI)
0306 利用虚拟仪器触发和影响鼓样(0306 using virtual instruments to trigger and affect drum samples)
0307 替换循环内的声音(0307 Replacing sounds within a loop)