01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and project overview)
02.创建和保存画家项目(02.Creating and saving a Painter project)
03.Getting around in Substance Painter’s interface
04.绘画工作流程综述(04.Overview of the painting workflow)
05.Painting the worm’s mouth
06.Painting additional roughness in the worm’s mouth
07.Projection painting and masking the worm’s body
08.Painting and masking the worm’s belly
09.色彩校正纹理(09.Color correcting textures)
10.为身体增加额外的高度(10.Adding additional height for the body)
11.为身体涂抹额外的粗糙度(11.Painting additional roughness for the body)
12.为眼睛画纹理(12.Painting texture for the eyes)
13.眼部纹理的整理(13.Finishing the eye textures)
14.给牙齿增添纹理(14.Adding texture to the teeth)
15.将纹理添加到下水道平台(15.Adding texture to the sewer platform)
16.给排水平台加锈(16.Adding rust to the sewer platform)
17.下水道箅子的纹理化(17.Texturing the sewer grate)
18.拧紧螺栓(18.Texturing the bolts)
19.用颗粒增加平台磨损(19.Adding wear to the platform with particles)
20.物质画家烘焙纹理图(20.Baking texture maps out of Substance Painter)