插曲_00 - 序幕(Episode_00 - Prologue)
插曲_01 - 遮挡简单形状(Episode_01 - Blocking Out Simple Shapes)
插曲_02 - 选择环境的方向(Episode_02 - Choosing a Direction for the Environment)
插曲_04 - 寻找环境的原型(Episode_04 - Prototyping a Look for the Environment)
插曲_05 - 拓展空间(Episode_05 - Expanding the Space)
插曲_06 - 堵外(Episode_06 - Blocking Out an Exterior)
插曲_07 - 寻找办公室(Episode_07 - Developing a Look for the Office)
插曲_08 - 增添风味——会议室(Episode_08 - Adding Flavor - A Meeting Room)
插曲_09 - 开发二楼的外观(Episode_09 - Developing a Look for the Second Floor)
插曲_10 - 加味到二楼(Episode_10 - Adding Flavor to the Second Floor)
插曲_11 - 更多的二楼风味和Rooftop Blockout(Episode_11 - More Second Floor Flavor and Rooftop Blockout)
插曲_12 - 制作庭院(Episode_12 - Making a Patio)
插曲_13 - 烘焙简单的瓷砖纹理(Episode_13 - Baking Simple Tiling Textures)
插曲_14 - 制作简单植物(Episode_14 - Making Simple Plants)
插曲_15 - 把第一层的地板抛出去(Episode_15 - Fleshing Out the First Floor)
插曲_16 - 做地毯地板(Episode_16 - Making a Carpet Floor)
插曲_17 - 墙壁插件和新办公室(Episode_17 - Wall Addons and New Office Room)
插曲_18 - 办公道具(Episode_18 - Office Props)
插曲_19 - 皮椅+ 更多的办公道具(Episode_19 - Leather Chair + More Office Props)
插曲_20 - 电梯(Episode_20 - Elevator)
插曲_21 - 背景(Episode_21 - Backdrop)
插曲_22 - 最终抛光, 照明与后处理(Episode_22 - Final Polish, Lighting and Post Processing)
插曲_23 - 验尸(Episode_23 - Post Mortem)