
  • 软件 : Softimage XSI
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的03.呈现.与.线性.工作流.IN.Softimage(03.Rendering.with.linear.workflow.in.Softimage), 本站编号31871641, 该其他软件教程素材大小为17m, 时长为07分 16秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为The Communion, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在本系列教程,成员将学习如何显著地提高了现实主义的你照明由一个线性工作流程纳入你渲染项目。 我们将开始本教程解释背后一个线性工作流程的目的和澄清如何使用一个线性工作流程来获得更多现实的照明结果。从那里,我们将学习设立在 Softimage,包括启用颜色管理工具 Softimage,伽玛校正图像和纹理呈现和正确地显示在一个线性工作流程的各个步骤,保持适当的线性工作流程在合成阶段和大量的额外的提示和技巧,将帮助你获得更好的照明结果少了很多努力。 原文:   In this series of tutorials, members will learn how to dramatically improve the realism of your lighting by incorporating a linear workflow into your rendering projects.  We will begin the tutorial by explaining the purpose behind a linear workflow, and clarify how a linear workflow is used to get lighting results that are much more realistic. From there, we will learn the various steps for setting up a linear workflow in Softimage, which include enabling the Color Management tools inside of Softimage, gamma-correcting images and textures to be rendered and displayed correctly, maintaining a proper linear workflow during the compositing phase, and lots of additional tips and techniques that will help you get much better lighting results with a lot less effort.