1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and project overview)

2. 我们的场景设置(2. Setting up our scene)

3. 开始阻止人体解剖学(3. Starting to block in body anatomy)

4. 继续阻止人体解剖学(4. Continuing to block in body anatomy)

5. 开始阻止在脸上(5. Starting to block in the face)

6. 继续阻止在脸上(6. Continuing to block in the face)

7. 开始在头发块(7. Starting to block in the hair)

8. 在某些形状在胳膊上阻塞(8. Blocking in some shapes on the arm)

9. 开始阻止在手中(9. Starting to block in the hands)

10. 调整比例(10. Adjusting proportions)

11. 继续建模手(11. Continuing modeling the hands)

12. 调整手(12. Adjusting the hands)

13. 继续模型手, arm, 和身体(13. Continuing to model the hands, arm, and body)

14. 使用 Q Remesher(14. Using QRemesher)

15. 定义身体(15. Defining the body)

16. 调整的轮廓和阻止头发(16. Adjusting the silhouette and blocking hair)

17. 调整的手和胳膊的剪影(17. Adjusting silhouette of the hands and arms)

18. 建模的手和手指(18. Modeling hands and fingers)

19. 继续向模型手和手指(19. Continuing to model hands and fingers)

20. 整理手和手指的模型(20. Finishing the model of the hands and fingers)

21. 建模的头发(21. Modeling the hair)

22. 羽毛的设计(22. Design of the feathers)

23. 建模的耳朵和头发(23. Modeling ears and hair)

24. 继续模型头发(24. Continuing to model the hair)

25. 建模的羽毛和眼睛(25. Modeling the feathers and eyes)

26. 开始画模型(26. Starting to paint the model)

27. 继续绘制模型(27. Continuing to paint the model)

28. 画的眼睛(28. Painting the eyes)

29. 绘画的头发(29. Painting the hair)

30. 浅谈最后的渲染(30. Talking about the final render)

31. 构成模型(31. Posing the model)

32. 设置最终的渲染(32. Setting up the final render)

33. 将图像导出(33. Exporting the image)

34. 最终的图像后期制作(34. Final image post production)


  • 软件 : Zbrush
  • 文件总数:34
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的Zbrush资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的15. 定义身体(15. Defining the body), 本站编号31873005, 该Zbrush素材大小为22m, 时长为08分 49秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为yolenoyer, 更多精彩Zbrush素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这 ZBrush 教程中我们将学习雕刻的女性是多么重要的解剖学基础。整个课程,我们将学习如何构建一切与飞机,和了解,简化解剖是非常强的关键造型。单纯而强烈的剪影、 窗体和一个可信的人物呼吁重视制作会苏醒过来的字符的表达式。 原文: In this ZBrush tutorial we will learn how important the foundation of anatomy is for sculpting a female.Throughout the lessons, we will learn how to construct everything with planes, and learn that simplify the anatomy is the key to a very strong sculpt. Simple and strong silhouettes, forms, and a believable character calls attention to the expression making the character come to life.