001 欢迎(001 Welcome)

002 你应该知道的(002 What you should know)

003 练习文件(003 Exercise files)

004 建立项目概述(004 Setting up the project overview)

005 进口标准包装(005 Importing standard packages)

006 创建播放器控制器(006 Creating a player controller)

007 设定分辨率和质量(007 Setting the resolution and quality)

008 导入网格(008 Importing meshes)

009 导入纹理(009 Importing textures)

010 导入动画(010 Importing animation)

011 导入音频(011 Importing audio)

012 导出模型3DS Max(012 Exporting models from 3ds Max)

013 从玛雅导出模型(013 Exporting models from Maya)

014 在几何上生成碰撞器(014 Generating colliders on geometry)

015 应用与优化对撞机(015 Applying and optimizing colliders)

016 创建预制件(016 Creating a prefab)

017 创建和应用自定义网格对撞机(017 Creating and applying a custom mesh collider)

018 预制件几何尺寸的更新(018 Updating geometry in a prefab)

019 向游戏对象添加物理(019 Adding physics to game objects)

020 将音频剪辑添加到预制件中(020 Adding audio clips to a prefab)

021 创建和组织新材料(021 Creating and organizing new materials)

022 用组合图求平滑度和高度(022 Using composite maps for smoothness and height)

023 调整金属和光滑性能(023 Adjusting metallic and smoothness properties)

024 用灰度创建正常图(024 Creating normal maps from grayscale)

025 将导入动画分割成剪辑(025 Segmenting imported animation into clips)

026 使用McEnIM访问动画(026 Accessing animation using Mecanim)

027 在Mecanim中创建事件驱动的转换(027 Creating event-driven transitions in Mecanim)

028 在Mecanim中使用脚本(028 Using scripts in Mecanim)

029 在统一中动画对象(029 Animating an object in Unity)

030 在曲线编辑器中调整动画(030 Adjusting animation in the Curve Editor)

031 使用涂料片缩放动画时间(031 Using the Dope Sheet to scale animation timing)

032 实例化预制件(032 Instancing prefabs to build a level)

033 摆放水平预制件(033 Placing level prefabs for variety)

034 通过设计包围玩家(034 Bounding the player through design)

035 地形塑造(035 Creating and sculpting terrain)

036 绘制地形材料和纹理(036 Painting terrain materials and textures)

037 在地形上增加树和草(037 Adding trees and grasses to terrain)

038 微调默认日光(038 Fine-tuning the default daylight)

039 点光源的创建与调整(039 Creating and adjusting point lights)

040 用聚光灯增加气氛(040 Adding mood with spot lights)

041 烘烤设置区域灯(041 Setting area lights for baking)

042 排除几何灯(042 Excluding lights from geometry)

043 烘焙照明水平的设置(043 Setting up the level for baking lighting)

044 为设计外观调整烘烤参数(044 Adjusting baking parameters for a designed look)

045 烘焙物件和灯光参数的设定(045 Setting object and light parameters for baking)

046 利用光探针探测光动态物体(046 Using light probes to light dynamic objects)

047 为模拟动态反射添加反射探针(047 Adding reflection probes for simulated dynamic reflections)

048 创建粒子系统(048 Creating a particle system)

049 调节颗粒的行为(049 Adjusting the behavior of particles)

050 颗粒形貌的修正(050 Modifying the appearance of particles)

051 增加景深聚焦视图(051 Adding depth of field to focus the view)

052 让灯光和亮点发光(052 Letting lights and highlights glow)

053 用环境遮挡接地(053 Grounding the scene with ambient occlusion)

054 用色彩校正创造心情(054 Using color correction to create a mood)

055 用环境声把环境带入生活(055 Bringing the environment to life with ambient sound)

056 触发声音播放动画(056 Triggering sound to play with an animation)

057 创建混响区(057 Creating reverb zones)

058 混合平衡音(058 Mixing and balancing sound)

059 设置遮挡剔除(059 Setting up occlusion culling)

060 启用批处理以减少绘制调用(060 Enabling batching to reduce draw calls)

061 创建一个飞溅屏幕和图标(061 Creating a splash screen and icon)

062 编译桌面构建(062 Compiling a desktop build)

063 Android的构建(063 Building for Android)

064 做修订(064 Making Revisions)

065 接下来的步骤(065 Next steps)


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