001 欢迎(001 Welcome)

002 使用练习文件(002 Using the exercise files)

003 进口艺术品(003 Importing artwork)

004 切割精灵(004 Cutting up sprites)

005 优化松散精灵`S结构封隔器(005 Optimizing loose sprites with Unity`s TexturePacker)

006 构建像素完美的正射相机(006 Building a pixel-perfect orthographic camera)

007 建立重复的背景(007 Building a repeating background)

008 调整纹理以填充屏幕(008 Resizing textures to fill the screen)

009 动画再现背景纹理(009 Animating repeating background textures)

010 用重复纹理模拟视差滚动(010 Emulating parallax scrolling with repeating textures)

011 构建可重用的障碍游戏对象(011 Building a reusable obstacle GameObject)

012 移动障碍物(012 Moving obstacles)

013 产生新的障碍(013 Spawning new obstacles)

014 随机产卵延迟时间(014 Random spawner delay times)

015 破坏屏幕障碍(015 Destroying obstacles offscreen)

016 构建游戏对象实用类(016 Building a GameObject utility class)

017 回收游戏对象(017 Recycling game objects)

018 构建对象池(018 Building an object pool)

019 连接对象池(019 Wiring up the object pool)

020 使障碍物可循环利用(020 Making obstacles recyclable)

021 在任何脚本中实现循环(021 Implementing recycle in any script)

022 清除障碍物(022 Cleaning up the obstacles)

023 动态调整大小2D盒对撞机(023 Dynamically resizing 2D box colliders)

024 建立球员(024 Building the player)

025 检测球员何时站立(025 Detecting when the player is standing)

026 让玩家跳跃(026 Making the player jump)

027 添加玩家空闲动画(027 Adding in a player idle animation)

028 创建播放器动画管理器(028 Creating a player animation manager)

029 玩家游戏对象的循环利用(029 Recycling the player game object)

030 开始游戏(030 Starting the game)

031 添加播放器(031 Adding the player)

032 结束比赛(032 Ending the game)

033 添加“游戏结束”效果(033 Adding a "game over" effect)

034 重新开始游戏(034 Restart the game)

035 字体处理(035 Working with fonts)

036 布局文本(036 Laying out text)

037 用代码控制文本(037 Controlling text with code)

038 显示分数(038 Displaying the score)

039 将分数连接到游戏管理器(039 Connecting the score to the game manager)

040 保存高分(040 Saving high scores)

041 添加简单的照明效果叠加(041 Adding in a simple lighting effect overlay)

042 添加僵尸(042 Adding zombies)

043 添加动画障碍(043 Adding in animated obstacles)

044 发布不同格式(044 Publishing to different formats)

045 接下来的步骤(045 Next steps)


  • Unity3D : Unity 2D
  • 文件总数:45
  • 4K
    132 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的004 切割精灵(004 Cutting up sprites), 本站编号36701984, 该Unity3D素材大小为9m, 时长为05分 28秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:4次, 作者为Matt Wetmore, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。