001 欢迎(001 Welcome)

002 看着这门课程前,你应该知道(002 What you should know before watching this course)

003 使用练习文件(003 Using the exercise files)

004 自定义播放器控制器(004 Customizing a player controller)

005 导入网格(005 Importing meshes)

006 设置碰撞体积(006 Setting collision volumes)

007 创建交互式项目的蓝图(007 Creating blueprints for interactive items)

008 克隆和放置对象(008 Cloning and placing objects)

009 装配纹理和制作复合图(009 Assembling textures and crafting composite maps)

010 创建油漆光泽(010 Creating paint sheens)

011 微调金属(011 Fine-tuning metals)

012 玻璃制造(012 Creating glass)

013 用反射俘获球建立反射(013 Setting up reflections with reflection capture spheres)

014 灯具安装灯具(014 Placing lights in fixtures)

015 调强调色(015 Adjusting intensity and color)

016 使用IES配置文件对形状灯进行照明(016 Using IES profiles to shape lights)

017 阳光与天空的微调(017 Fine-tuning the sunlight and sky)

018 设置套接字和对撞机(018 Setting up sockets and colliders)

019 向门蓝图中添加触发器和事件(019 Adding triggers and events to a door blueprint)

020 动画门摆动(020 Animating the door swing)

021 在蓝图上打开双门(021 Opening double doors in a blueprint)

022 地形生成(022 Generating terrain)

023 雕塑地形与材质(023 Sculpting terrain and adding materials)

024 草草灌丛(024 Painting grass and shrubs)

025 放置树木(025 Placing trees)

026 增加细节和家具(026 Adding in details and furniture)

027 调整景深, fog, 盛开(027 Adjusting depth of field, fog, and bloom)

028 添加颜色校正(028 Adding color correction)

029 出版设计(029 Publishing the design)

030 接下来的步骤(030 Next steps)


  • 虚幻 : UE4
  • 文件总数:30
  • 4K
    65 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的虚幻资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的009 装配纹理和制作复合图(009 Assembling textures and crafting composite maps), 本站编号36658276, 该虚幻素材大小为21m, 时长为07分 44秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为OneGameZone, 更多精彩虚幻素材,尽在爱给网。