001 设置玛雅(001 Setting up Maya)
002 塑造我们的身体(002 Modelling our Body)
003 设置图像平面和基本网格.(003 Setting up Image planes and the base mesh.)
004 人工像面(004 Manual Image planes)
005 细化基础网格(005 Refining the base mesh)
006 增加武器(006 Adding Arms)
007 相加(007 Adding Hands)
008 创造脸部与Bevels(008 Creating the Face and Bevels)
009 创建脸部和斜面-部分2(009 Creating the Face and Bevels - Part 2)
010 面冠(010 Defining Face and Crown)
011 定义脸部和冠部2(011 Defining Face and Crown - Part 2)
012 用格子变形器制造头发和改变(012 Creating Hair and making changes with the lattice deformer)
013 用格子变形器制造头发和改变2(013 Creating Hair and making changes with the lattice deformer - Part 2)
014 用格子变形器制造头发和改变3(014 Creating Hair and making changes with the lattice deformer - Part 3)
015 创造腿部护胫(015 Creating the Leg and Shin Guards)
016 创建腿部护胫-部分2(016 Creating the Leg and Shin Guards - Part 2)
017 完成靴子(017 Finishing the Boots)
018 增加裤褶(018 Adding the Trouser Folds)
019 增加裤褶部分2(019 Adding the Trouser Folds - Part 2)
020 增加裤带(020 Adding the Trouser Belt)
021 现在我们对付盔甲(021 Now we tackle the Armour)
022 现在我们对付盔甲部分2(022 Now we tackle the Armour part 2)
023 装甲部分2(023 Armour part 2)
024 创建连锁邮件(024 Creating Chain Mail)
025 用格子变形器成型装甲(025 Shape the Armour using Lattice Deformer)
026 精炼的武器(026 Refining the Arms)
027 精炼双手(027 Refining the Hands)
028 使用转移地图技巧和技巧(028 Using Transfer Maps tips and tricks)
029 转移地图部分2(029 Transfer Maps part 2)
030 导入我们的模型到Z刷快速提示(030 Importing our model to ZBrush quick tips)
031 使用Z刷与玛雅更快的工作流(031 Using ZBrush with Maya quicker workflows)
032 回到玛雅的头脑中(032 Back to Maya refining the Head)
033 回到玛雅精炼头部2(033 Back to Maya refining the Head - Part 2)
034 多头精炼(034 More head refining)
035 更多的头部精炼-部分2(035 More head refining - Part 2)
036 创造基本的耳朵(036 Creating a basic ear)
037 耳部2(037 Ear part 2)
038 把耳朵加在头上(038 Adding our Ear to the Head)
039 准备我们的UV展开模型(039 Prepare our model for UV Unwrapping)
040 快速回到Z画笔技巧和技巧(040 Quick dip back to ZBrush tips and tricks)
041 为UV展开部分准备模型2(041 Prepare our model for UV Unwrapping part 2)
042 腿部和膝盖的紫外线地图(042 UV Map for Leg and Knee)
043 裤子用UV贴图(043 UV Map for Trousers)
044 用自定义检查器测试UV(044 Testing your UV with Custom Checker Maps)
045 人体紫外展开(045 UV Unwrap of body)
046 体部紫外展开2(046 UV Unwrap of body - Part2)
047 头部紫外线剥离(047 Head UV Unwrap)
048 关于头发的思考(048 Thinking about the hair)
049 毛发提示(049 Tips on Hair)
050 头发造型(050 Modelling the Hair)
051 重发(051 Resculpting Hair)
052 最终头发U VS(052 Final Hair UVs)
053 最后头发U部分2(053 Final Hair UVs part 2)
054 创造王冠(054 Creating the Crown)
055 再次使用自定义地图进行UV检查(055 UV Checking once again using custom Maps)
056 完成U VS(056 Finishing UVs)
057 理解UV集(057 Understanding UV sets)
058 理解紫外线集2(058 Understanding UV sets - Part 2)
059 使用传输图传输高分辨率细节(059 Using transfer maps to tranfer high res details)
060 使用转移映射传输高分辨率细节-部分2(060 Using transfer maps to tranfer high res details - Part 2)
061 创建一个可升级的链接补丁(061 Creating a Tileable Chainmail patch)
062 连锁模式(062 Chainmail Pattern)
063 链接模式-部分2(063 Chainmail Pattern - Part 2)
064 完成我们的连锁邮件(064 Finishing our chain mail)
065 前臂(065 Forearms)
066 快速着色部分1(066 Quick Colour part 1)
067 快速着色部分2(067 Quick Colour part 2)
068 创建面部纹理(068 Creating the Face Texture)
069 快速变形技术(069 Speed texturing techniques)
070 创建标准映射(070 Creating Normal Maps)
071 回到头发做最后的调整(071 Coming back to the hair for final tweaks)
072 回到头发的最后调整-部分2(072 Coming back to the hair for final tweaks - Part 2)
073 如何创建简单的镜面地图(073 How to create a simple specular map)
074 创建一张凹凸贴图(074 Creating a bump map)
075 添加透明度(075 Adding Transparency)
076 模型清理(076 Model cleanup)
077 让我们制造一把剑(077 Lets create a sword)
078 让我们制造一把剑2(078 Lets create a sword - Part 2)
079 养育团体(079 Parenting groups)
080 动画拼接与平滑绑定(080 Animation Joints and Smooth Binding)
081 机器人钻机和捆绑-速成课(081 Robot rig and bind - A Quick lesson)
082 设置和场景清理(082 Set up and scene cleanup)
083 清理部分2(083 Clean Up part 2)
084 最佳钻机约束的模型调整(084 Model adjustments for optimal rig bind)
085 最佳钻机约束部分的模型调整2(085 Model adjustments for optimal rig bind - Part 2)
086 创建一个基本钻机(086 Creating a Basic Rig)
087 创建一个基本钻机部件2(087 Creating a Basic Rig - Part 2)
088 把我们的钻机绑在我们的几何学上——Smooth Bind(088 Binding our Rig to our Geometry - Smooth Bind)
089 增加皮肤重量(089 Adding Skin Weights)
090 在我们的钻机中增加IK把手(090 Adding IK handles to our rig)
091 IK求解器(091 IK Solvers)
092 脚设置(092 Foot setup)
093 动画控制器(093 Animation Controllers)
094 创建目标约束(094 Creating an aim constraint)
095 我们的钻机(095 Our FInal rig)
096 最终脚控制器(096 Final foot controller)
097 双重检验模型(097 Double checking model)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的005 概念突破(005 Concept Break out), 本站编号36642554, 该Unity3D素材大小为49m, 时长为10分 16秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为Andrey Zaytsev, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。