01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and project overview)

02 缠头(02 Unwrapping the head)

03 展开的躯干(03 Unwrapping the torso)

04 展开的胳膊和腿(04 Unwrapping the arms and legs)

05 展开的手(05 Unwrapping the hands)

06 展开最后的尸块(06 Unwrapping the final pieces of the body)

07 展开肩甲和胸板(07 Unwrapping the shoulder armor and_chest_plate)

08 展开的手套和头盔(08 Unwrapping the gloves and the helmet)

09 解缠带(09 Unwrapping the belt)

10 展开他膝关节和髋关节的警卫(10 Unwrapping he knee and hip guards)

11 展开的斧头(11 Unwrapping the axe)

12 巩固我们 UV 簇(12 Consolidating our UV clusters)

13 设置在 Photoshop 中我们 U Vs(13 Setting up our UVs in Photoshop)

14 草绘的特征的脸上和躯干(14 Sketching the features of the face and torso)

15 草绘特征的胳膊和腿(15 Sketching the features of the arms and legs)

16 应用到模型的素描纹理(16 Applying the sketch texture to the model)

17 阻止在身体的亮点(17 Blocking in the highlights of the body)

18 阻止在脸上的阴影(18 Blocking in the shadows of the face)

19 精炼的脸(19 Refining the face)

20 添加在脸上的温暖(20 Adding warmth to the face)

21 添加茬在脸上(21 Adding stubble to the face)

22 最后定稿的脸(22 Finalizing the face)

23 调整肤色(23 Adjusting skin tone)

24 阻塞躯干的阴影(24 Blocking the shadows of the torso)

25 精炼的胸部纹理(25 Refining the chest texture)

26 混合后的纹理(26 Blending the back texture)

27 添加到躯干的温暖(27 Adding warmth to the torso)

28 阻塞的武器的纹理(28 Blocking in the texture of the arms)

29 精炼武器的纹理(29 Refining the texture of the arms)

30 添加温暖怀抱(30 Adding warmth to the arms)

31 阻塞和精炼腿纹理(31 Blocking and refining the leg texture)

32 整理腿纹理(32 Finishing the leg texture)

33 在颜色的手堵住了(33 Blocking in the colors of the hand)

34 整理手的纹理(34 Finishing the texture of the hand)

35 查明可能存在的问题,同时纹理(35 Identifying possible issues while texturing)

36 贴图的脚(36 Texturing the foot)

37 贴图的内衣(37 Texturing the undergarment)

38 创建纹理的耳朵(38 Creating the texture for the ear)

39 贴图的眼睛(39 Texturing the eye)

40 创建非对称元素的脸(40 Creating the asymmetrical elements_of_the_face)

41 固定接缝(41 Fixing seams)

42 检索我们的纹理从我们3D 文件(42 Retrieving our texture from our 3D file)

43 创建纹理佛胸甲(43 Creating the texture fo the chest plate)

44 绘画胸部板的设计(44 Painting the design of the chest plate)

45 创建纹理的头盔(45 Creating the texture of the helmet)

46 为创造价值护膝垫(46 Creating the values for the knee pads)

47 创建皮革肩盔甲(47 Creating the leather for the shoulder_armor)

48 整理盔甲纹理的第一套(48 Finishing the first set of armor texture)

49 创建带头骨的值(49 Creating the values of the skull for the belt)

50 创建角的值(50 Creating the values for the horns)

51 创建带的值(51 Creating the values for the belt)

52 整理上安全带(52 Finishing up the belt)

53 放下的值为髋关节卫兵(53 Laying down the values for the hip guards)

54 创建纹理的手套(54 Creating the texture for the gloves)

55 绘画带布的元素(55 Painting the cloth elements of the belt)

56 阻塞的颜色的盔甲(56 Blocking in color for the armor)

57 最后确定的颜色的盔甲(57 Finalizing the color of the armor)

58 素描我们的盔甲的背带(58 Sketching the straps for our armor)

59 纹理皮带(59 Texturing the straps)

60 创建带扣(60 Creating buckles for the straps)

61 创建纹理的头部,斧头(61 Creating the texture for the axe head)

62 创建纹理的斧头柄(62 Creating the texture for the axe handle)


  • 其他 : Digital Tutors
  • 文件总数:62
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    29 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的Photoshop资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and project overview), 本站编号31863149, 该Photoshop素材大小为6m, 时长为52秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为thomasjaunism, 更多精彩Photoshop素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    本教程是由 Digital-Tutors机构出品的Photoshop绘制游戏模型材质贴图的教程,在本系列教程我们将在Photoshop中全面讲述基本的面部特征和模型的贴图纹理。