
  • 软件 : Nuke
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    39 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Nuke资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的01_介绍和概述(01_Introduction_and_Overview), 本站编号31872421, 该Nuke素材大小为7m, 时长为01分 05秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为L' Amicale du Tigrou, 更多精彩Nuke素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 用近 2 年的发展时间,NUKE 7.0 带来了许多新功能和节点。了解这些新的工作流是被成功组合器的关键因素。这是一个大的版本,所以这一系列的 NUKE 教程将介绍最重要的新功能,您可以使用今天加快你的工作和创造美丽新效果 !我们将开始培训,通过学习如何使用新的导航功能的书签和 J 热键快速移动我们节点图和找正是我们寻找的地区。从那里,我们将学习如何使用关键帧在节点的跟踪跟踪来加快我们的轨道。我们还将学习如何使用交通灯系统来评价我们的轨道的薄弱部位。下一步我们将开始潜水到伟大的新的 ZDefocus 节点从而使我们能够创造现实领域深度模糊散景效果。我们将学习如何设置我们的形象和深度的节点,然后我们可以怎样改变我们的过滤器类型,甚至插件新的筛选器来创建色差的影响。最后我们将学习如何使用某些 3d 数据图像点燃节点使用核武器 3D 照明系统来改变我们的形象与现实照明。 原文:  With almost 2 years of development time, NUKE 7.0 brings with it many new features and nodes. Understanding these new workflows is a key factor to being a successful compositor. This is a large release, so this series of NUKE tutorials will cover the most important new features that you can use today to speed up your work and create beautiful new effects! We will start the training by learning how to use the new navigation features of bookmarks and the J hotkey to quickly move around our node graph and find exactly the area we"re looking for. From there we will learn how to use keyframe tracking in the tracker node to speed up our track. We will also learn how to use the Traffic Light system to evaluate weak parts of our track. Next we will begin diving in to the great new ZDefocus node which allows us to create realistic depth-of-field blur with bokeh effects. We"ll learn how to set-up the node with our image and depth, then how we can change our filter types and even plug-in a new filter to create chromatic aberration effects. Finally we will learn how to use the Relight node with some 3d data images to use NUKEs 3D lighting system to change our image with realistic lighting.