001 模块化设计与建模导论(001 Modular Design and Modeling Introduction)
002 模块化设计与资产清单(002 Modular Design and Asset List)
003 Blender导航与基本对象操作(003 Navigating in Blender and Basic Object Manipulation)
004 制作地板件(004 Making the Floor Piece)
005 制作天花板件(005 Making the Ceiling Piece)
006 制作一些壁画(006 Making some Wall Pieces)
007 用开口件制作墙体端部和墙体(007 Making the Wall End and Wall with Opening Pieces)
008 制作猫步(008 Making the Catwalk Pieces)
009 模块化设计综述(009 Modular Design Review)
001 创建道具和杂项介绍(001 Creating the Props and Miscellaneous Objects Introduction)
002 为什么和如何填写一个级别(002 Why and how to fill in a level)
003 制作盒子(003 Making the Box)
004 制作桌子(004 Making a Table)
005 道具变化(005 Making the Variations of Props)
006 杂项制作(006 Making the Miscellaneous Pieces)
007 道具及其应用述评(007 Review of Props and their Uses)
001 紫外线展开简介(001 UV unwrapping Introduction)
002 纹理概述(002 Texturing Overview)
003 UV展开模块化环境件(003 UV unwrapping Modular Environment Pieces)
004 紫外线解包道具(004 UV unwrapping Props)
005 紫外光去包裹杂件(005 UV unwrapping miscellaneous Pieces)
006 UV展开焦点(006 UV unwrapping the focal point)
007 在阿特拉斯和其他方式减少纹理的U VS(007 Putting UVs in a atlas and other ways to reduce textures)
008 改进道具布局(008 Improving the Prop Layouts)
009 烤澳(009 Baking AO)
010 纹理回顾(010 Texturing Review)
001 创建纹理介绍(001 Creating the Textures Introduction)
002 创建纹理和色彩理论综述(002 Creating Textures and Color Theory Overview)
003 创建墙面纹理(003 Creating the Wall Texture)
004 创建猫道纹理(004 Creating the Catwalk Texture)
005 创造天花板和地板纹理(005 Creating the Ceiling and Floor Texture)
006 创建盒子纹理(006 Creating the Box Texture)
007 创建表格纹理(007 Creating the Table Texture)
008 创建柱和燃料罐纹理(008 Creating the Pillar and Fuel Canister Textures)
009 创建焦点的基本纹理(009 Creating the Base Texture for the Focal Point)
010 增加焦点纹理的细节(010 Adding Detail to the Focal Point Texture)
011 创建纹理评论(011 Creating Textures Review)
001 团结统一的水平建设(001 Building the Level with Unity Introduction)
002 统一介绍(002 Intro to Unity)
003 出口FBX打造统一项目(003 Exporting FBX and creating Unity Project)
004 出口模块化环境件(004 Exporting the Modular Environment Pieces)
005 出口道具及其他件(005 Exporting the Props and other Pieces)
006 导入焦点纹理创造素材(006 Importing Focal Point Texture and Creating a Material)
007 导入其余的纹理并创建其他材质(007 Importing the rest of the Textures and Creating the other Materials)
008 制作预制件的其余部分(008 Making the Rest of the Prefabs)
009 创建地形(009 Creating the Terrain)
010 制作平台(010 Making the Platforms)
011 放置平台和平台部分(011 Placing the Platforms and Platforming Sections)
012 创建前两栋建筑和室内装饰(012 Creating the First two Buildings and Interiors)
013 创造最终的建筑和内部(013 Creating the Final Building and Interior)
014 将道具添加到水平(014 Adding the Props to the Level)
015 照明水平(015 Lighting The Level)
016 最后的润色(016 Finishing Touches)
017 建设水平审查(017 Building the Level Review)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的006 设计水平综述(006 Review of Designing a Level), 本站编号36690995, 该Unity3D素材大小为8m, 时长为02分 08秒, 支持高清播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Jens-Ulrik Kleemeyer, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。