
  • 其他软件教程 : Toon Boom Harmony
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的02_相机的概述,观点,侧,顶视图(02_Overview_of_the_camera,perspective,side,top_views), 本站编号31882296, 该其他软件教程素材大小为52m, 时长为12分 40秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:3次, 作者为pepingrillin, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 通过获得理解的 3D 功能特色香椿繁荣和谐,你 ' 就能把你的动画技术带到一个全新的视觉水平。我们 ' ll 开头的相机、 角度、 侧面和顶视图在和谐接口概述。从这里我们 ' 将学到如何我们能够使用这些不同的视图来创建将使我们能够在我们的场景中创建三个三维深度的幻觉多平面设置场景的图层。之后这我们 ' 将学到如何添加一台相机和动画跨多个平面的我们的场景。后此我们 ' 将学到如何使我们的 2D 绘图层在 3D 空间中旋转,看看如何,我们可以构建使用绘图层的 3D 对象。一路上我们 ' 还将了解如何我们可以旋转相机在 3D 空间除了将 2D 绘图层映射到旋转的相机。最后,我们 ' ll 了解如何激活你 3D 令牌许可证,以及如何将 3D 模型导入香椿繁荣和谐。 原文: By gaining an understanding of the 3D capabilities featured in Toon Boom Harmony, you'll be able to take your animation techniques to a whole new visual level.We'll begin with an overview of the camera, perspective, side, and top views in the Harmony interface. From here we'll learn how we can position the layers of a scene using these different views to create a multi-plane setup that will allow us to create the illusion of three dimensional depth in our scene. Following this we'll learn how to add a camera and animate it across the multiple planes of our scene. After this we'll learn how we can enable 2D drawing layers to be rotated in 3D space and see how we can construct 3D objects using drawing layers. Along the way we'll also learn how we can rotate a camera in 3D space in addition to mapping a 2D drawing layer to the rotation of a camera. Finally, we'll learn how you can activate you 3D token license and import 3D models into Toon Boom Harmony.