0001 欢迎(0001 Welcome)

0002 使用练习文件(0002 Using the exercise files)

0003 看着这门课程前,你应该知道(0003 What you should know before watching this course)

0004 设置工作流(0004 Setting up the workflow)

0101 建模一个大型道具和为冒顿规划概述(0101 Overview of modeling a large prop and planning for modu)

0102 阻挡的总体形式(0102 Blocking out the overall form)

0103 添加弧形的板(0103 Adding curved panels)

0104 圆角(0104 Rounding the corners)

0105 展开脸框(0105 Unwrapping the face frame)

0106 双方展开(0106 Unwrapping the sides)

0107 移动和缝纫 U Vs(0107 Moving and sewing UVs)

0108 铺设的 UV 坐标(0108 Laying out the UV coordinates)

0201 变形工艺和 PSD 网络概述(0201 Overview of the texturing process and PSD networks)

0202 创建一张凹凸贴图为双方10M55s(0202 Creating a bump map for the sides 10m 55s)

0203 将详细信息添加到凹凸贴图(0203 Adding details to the bump map)

0204 图为前面的凹凸贴图(0204 Drawing the bump map for the front)

0205 将详细信息添加到面板(0205 Adding details to the panels)

0206 绘画的漫反射纹理和规划层(0206 Painting the diffuse texture and planning the layers)

0207 涂装底漆和徽标(0207 Painting the base coat and the logo)

0208 添加标签和其他标记(0208 Adding labels and other markings)

0209 添加软锈(0209 Adding soft rust)

0210 添加防锈气泡(0210 Adding rust bubbles)

0211 设置气体泵纹理库(0211 Setting up a library of gas pump textures)

0212 绘画污垢和铁锈的变化(0212 Painting dirt and rust variations)

0213 风化掉漆(0213 Weathering away the paint)

0214 转换的凹凸映射到法线贴图(0214 Converting bump maps to normal maps)

0215 测试映射(0215 Testing the maps)

0301 小道具建模概述(0301 Overview of modeling small props)

0302 建模的大锤(0302 Modeling a sledgehammer)

0303 建模撬杆(0303 Modeling a pry bar)

0304 添加细节和硬化边缘(0304 Adding detail and hardening edges)

0305 作为一部分建筑西摩纹理表展开(0305 Unwrapping as part of building a texture sheet for smal)

0306 建模金属梯子(0306 Modeling a metal ladder)

0307 展开和克隆(0307 Unwrapping and cloning)

0308 放干净的纹理(0308 Placing the clean texture)

0309 铺设一个适用于多个工具的纹理页(0309 Laying out a texture sheet for multiple tools)

0310 绘画生锈的钢(0310 Painting rusty steel)

0311 添加污垢和磨损(0311 Adding dirt and wear)

0312 规划最优的纹理用法(0312 Planning for optimal texture usage)

0313 绘画的污垢和年龄变化(0313 Painting dirt and age variations)

0401 造型家具,使用简单的零件和可重用文本(0401 Modeling furniture using simple parts and reusable text)

0402 规划和分析建模的一把椅子(0402 Planning and analyzing the modeling of a chair)

0403 阻挡的基本形式(0403 Blocking out the basic form)

0404 添加细节和柔化边缘(0404 Adding detail and softening edges)

0405 精炼的剪影(0405 Refining the silhouette)

0406 阻挡的圆椅形式(0406 Blocking out the form of a round chair)

0407 添加细节和软化的边缘的圆椅(0407 Adding detail and softening the edges of a round chair)

0408 作为一部分建筑炉纹理表展开(0408 Unwrapping as part of building a texture sheet for furn)

0409 规划表的建模(0409 Planning the modeling of a table)

0410 阻挡基本表窗体(0410 Blocking out the basic table form)

0411 向表中添加双腿(0411 Adding legs to the table)

0412 分手的纹理模型(0412 Breaking up the model for texturing)

0413 铺设木材纹理(0413 Laying out the wood texture)

0414 可重用的部分进行一次圆桌会议(0414 Reusing parts to make a round table)

0501 对绘画纹理从重要性的认识(0501 Understanding the importance of painting textures from)

0502 创建初始晶粒行(0502 Creating the initial grain lines)

0503 添加值变化横纹(0503 Adding value variation across the grain)

0504 翘曲的粮食(0504 Warping the grain)

0505 添加节(0505 Adding knots)

0506 着色的谷物以及规划对于污渍(0506 Colorizing the grain and planning for stains)

0507 切割出板 UV 布局(0507 Cutting out boards for a UV layout)

0508 添加的铜绿和磨损到最后的纹理(0508 Adding patina and wear to a final texture)

0601 对低聚计数重要性的认识(0601 Understanding the importance of a low poly count)

0602 法线贴图的概述(0602 Overview of normal maps)

0603 高聚投影管道概述(0603 Overview of the high-poly projection pipeline)

0604 规划为投影的 UV 空间(0604 Planning the UV space for projection)

0605 使用硬边和细分(0605 Working with hard edges and subdividing)

0606 通过坡口和挤压添加详细信息(0606 Adding details by beveling and extruding)

0607 固定几何(0607 Fixing geometry)

0608 使用造型的几何工具和软选择广告(0608 Using the Sculpt Geometry tool and soft selection to ad)

0609 烤到低聚模型到 p 高聚模型(0609 Baking the high-poly model onto the low-poly model to p)

0701 Mudbox 的概述(0701 Overview of Mudbox)

0702 准备到 Mudbox 顺利出口(0702 Preparing for a smooth export to Mudbox)

0703 从 Mudbox 选择导入正确的决议(0703 Importing from Mudbox Choosing the right resolution)

0704 使用造型工具(0704 Using the sculpt tools)

0705 绘画(0705 Painting)

0706 从 Mudbox 出口油漆层(0706 Exporting paint layers from Mudbox)

0707 提取和从 Mudbox 导出法线贴图(0707 Extracting and exporting a normal map from Mudbox)

0708 导入和分配对象和地图的统一(0708 Importing and assigning objects and maps in Unity)

0801 环境遮挡和高光概述(0801 Overview of ambient occlusion and specularity)

0802 设置环境遮挡作为纹理(0802 Setting up ambient occlusion as a texture)

0803 使用环境遮挡作为基础污垢(0803 Using ambient occlusion as a foundation for dirt)

0804 使用环境遮挡作为基础锈(0804 Using ambient occlusion as a foundation for rust)

0805 画一张镜子地图(0805 Painting a specular map)

0806 简化导入过程配售映射在钻机(0806 Streamlining the import process Placing maps in the rig)

0901 导入到统一的概述(0901 Overview of importing into Unity)

0902 准备和导出到统一的道具(0902 Preparing and exporting props to Unity)

0903 克隆的道具在团结与不同 loosk(0903 Cloning props in Unity with different loosk)

0904 将光照添加到测试平滑和纹理(0904 adding lights to test smoothing and textures)

1001 接下来的步骤(1001 Next steps)


  • 软件 : MAYA游戏
  • 文件总数:90
  • 高清
    31 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的MAYA游戏资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的0313 绘画的污垢和年龄变化(0313 Painting dirt and age variations), 本站编号31875119, 该MAYA游戏素材大小为6m, 时长为03分 42秒, 支持高清播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为limbo63, 更多精彩MAYA游戏素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 探索世界的建模和贴图 3D 游戏道具和玛雅的资产。作者亚当瑞斯提供了较强的技术建模技术,从阻塞的基本形式和利用简单零件和可重复使用的纹理,模拟真实世界细节像污垢、 磨损和 UV 贴图和环境闭塞的谷物。课程包括工作流和集成的注意事项,如规划 UV 空间的投影,并也步入 Mudbox 和团结,为进一步完善。 原文:  Explore the world of modeling and texturing 3D game props and assets in Autodesk Maya. Author Adam Crespi provides strong technical modeling techniques, from blocking basic forms and leveraging simple parts and reusable textures, to simulating real-world detail like dirt, wear, and grain with UV maps and ambient occlusion. The course includes workflow and integration considerations such as planning UV space for projection, and also steps into Mudbox and Unity for further refinement.