001 欢迎(001 Welcome)

002 使用练习文件(002 Using the exercise files)

003 激活玛雅控件(003 Activating the Maya controls)

004 玛雅控件概述(004 Maya controls overview)

005 配置用户首选项(005 Configuring user preferences)

006 导入参考文献(006 Importing references)

007 创建原始基(007 Creating a primitive base)

008 封锁环境(008 Blocking out the environment)

009 统一测试(009 Testing in Unity)

010 创建建模UI布局(010 Creating a modeling UI layout)

011 配置预览相机(011 Configuring a preview camera)

012 隔离墙(012 Separating walls)

013 堵窗墙(013 Blocking out the window wall)

014 精制窗墙(014 Refining the window wall)

015 窗口详图(015 Detailing the window)

016 创建窗台(016 Creating a window ledge)

017 复制窗墙(017 Duplicating the window wall)

018 合并墙段(018 Merging wall sections)

019 固定地板(019 Fixing the floor)

020 去除n元(020 Removing N-gons)

021 雕刻地板细节(021 Sculpting floor detail)

022 约化多边形(022 Reducing polygons)

023 创建管道支柱(023 Creating a pipe prop)

024 完成钢管支柱(024 Completing the pipe prop)

025 展开UV集(025 Unwrapping a UV set)

026 准备纹理绘画(026 Preparing for texture painting)

027 配置画笔(027 Configuring a painter brush)

028 加载图像纹理(028 Loading image textures)

029 绘制基本纹理(029 Painting a base texture)

030 保存纹理(030 Saving textures)

031 地板涂漆(031 Layer painting the floor)

032 配置层混合(032 Configuring layer blending)

033 绘制细节图层(033 Painting a detail layer)

034 烘焙纹理层(034 Baking texture layers)

035 烘烤环境闭塞(035 Baking ambient occlusion)

036 配置循环材料(036 Configuring a cycles material)

037 配置循环天空材料(037 Configuring a cycles sky material)

038 建筑场景照明(038 Building scene lighting)

039 精炼环境材料(039 Refining the environment material)

040 复合纹理烘焙(040 Baking a composite texture)

041 PS图象处理软件纹理增强(041 Texture enhancing in Photoshop)

042 从Blender出口到统一(042 Exporting from Blender to Unity)

043 统一项目创建和资产导入(043 Unity project creation and asset importing)

044 创造环境材料(044 Creating an environment material)

045 创建支柱材料(045 Creating a prop material)

046 创建一个天空盒(046 Creating a skybox)

047 添加第一人称控制器(047 Adding a first-person controller)

048 完成项目(048 Finalizing the project)

049 向前移动(049 Moving forward)


  • 虚幻 : 虚幻
  • 文件总数:49
  • 4K
    76 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的虚幻资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的031 地板涂漆(031 Layer painting the floor), 本站编号36686508, 该虚幻素材大小为40m, 时长为07分 02秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为This Mess is Mine, 更多精彩虚幻素材,尽在爱给网。