001 欢迎(001 Welcome)

002 使用练习文件(002 Using the exercise files)

003 输入介绍(003 Input introduction)

004 建立输入管理器(004 Building an input manager)

005 抽象轴输入(005 Abstracting axis input)

006 建立输入状态类(006 Building an input state class)

007 跟踪按钮释放状态(007 Tracking button release states)

008 从输入状态类读取(008 Reading from the input state class)

009 多玩家游戏中多输入管理器的构建(009 Building multiple input managers for multi-player games)

010 设置第一个@(010 Setting up the first character)

011 建立测试级别(011 Building a test level)

012 抽象玩家行为的构建(012 Building the abstract player behavior)

013 改变玩家所面对的方向(013 Changing the direction the player is facing)

014 节约方向状态(014 Saving direction state)

015 向玩家添加步行(015 Adding walking to the player)

016 让玩家运行(016 Making the player run)

017 管理玩家动画状态(017 Managing player animation states)

018 连接玩家动画状态(018 Connecting player animation states)

019 使用脚本执行顺序(019 Working with script execution order)

020 建立碰撞状态管理器(020 Building a collision state manager)

021 调试玩家碰撞状态(021 Debugging player collision state)

022 让玩家跳跃(022 Making the player jump)

023 极限跳动(023 Limiting jump)

024 添加跳跃动画(024 Adding the jump animation)

025 增加双跳(025 Adding double jump)

026 建立双跳效应(026 Building a double jump effect)

027 增加跳远(027 Adding long jump)

028 向球员添加鸭子(028 Adding ducking to the player)

029 添加插图动画(029 Adding the ducking animation)

030 禁止其他玩家行为(030 Disable other player behaviors when ducking)

031 为测试层建造墙壁(031 Building walls for the test level)

032 检测球员的墙壁碰撞(032 Detecting player wall collisions)

033 增加墙壁碰撞动画(033 Adding wall collision animation)

034 粘墙(034 Sticking to walls)

035 滑下墙(035 Sliding down walls)

036 加快墙体滑坡(036 Speeding up wall slide)

037 增加壁滑动效应(037 Adding a wall slide effect)

038 让玩家从墙上跳下来(038 Making the player jump off walls)

039 清理跳墙(039 Cleaning up the wall jump)

040 墙间跳测(040 Testing out wall-to-wall jumping)

041 拾取物品(041 Picking up items)

042 装备项目(042 Equipping items)

043 基于项目改变动画(043 Changing animation based on item)

044 添加附加项动画状态(044 Adding additional item animation states)

045 创造一个火球(045 Creating a fireball)

046 毁灭火球(046 Destroying the fireball)

047 射击火球弹(047 Shooting the fireball projectile)

048 清理火球弹(048 Cleaning up the fireball projectile)

049 接下来的步骤(049 Next steps)


  • Unity3D : Unity 2D
  • 文件总数:49
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的039 清理跳墙(039 Cleaning up the wall jump), 本站编号36650697, 该Unity3D素材大小为8m, 时长为03分 10秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为MikeRat, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。