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  • 爱给网提供海量的3dmax资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的03_看看我们传输技术,动画(03_A_look_at_our_technique_for_transferring_animation), 本站编号31879925, 该3dmax素材大小为16m, 时长为03分 10秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Dj Chile & Jimmy Penguin, 更多精彩3dmax素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这套教程中,您将学习技术转移角色动画,从自定义的钻机,玛雅人和 3ds 之间创建最大而不会牺牲你的钻机的控制权。我们 ' ll 首先开始学习有关发送到功能创建的两个软件之间的桥梁。我们 ' 然后讲述如何安装对象跟踪动画我们 ' d 想转让,然后,如何恢复我们的钻机控制,我们可以自由地改变动画,如果需要的话。我们 ' ll 还包括故障排除技术,以确保一切传输正确,并从 3ds Max 和玛雅人。年底,你 ' ll 学习技术用于导出动画,可以帮助您节省大量的时间 ! 原文: In this set of tutorials you will learn techniques for transferring character animation, created from a custom rig, between Maya and 3ds Max without sacrificing control over your rigs. We'll first start by learning about the Send To feature that creates a bridge between the two software. We'll then cover how to setup objects to track the animation we'd like to transfer, and then, how regain control over our rigs so that we have the liberty to change the animation if needed. We'll also cover troubleshooting techniques to make sure that everything is transferred properly to and from 3ds Max and Maya. By the end, you'll learn techniques for exporting animation that can help you save a lot of time!