001 琐事游戏概述(001 Overview of Trivia Game)
002 创设问题横幅(002 Creating the Question Banner)
003 添加答案按钮(003 Adding the Answer Buttons)
004 脚本入门(004 Introduction to Scripting)
005 更多数据类型(005 More Data Types)
006 创建一个结构(006 Creating a Struct)
007 完成问题结构(007 Finishing the Question Struct)
008 将问题分配给用户界面(008 Assigning the Question to the UI)
009 让答案互动(009 Making the Answers Interactive)
010 分配一个随机问题(010 Assigning a Random Question)
011 获取问题号(011 Getting the Question Numbers)
012 问题之间的转换(012 Transitioning Between Questions)
013 显示结果(013 Showing Results)
014 再创建一个播放按钮(014 Creating a Play Again Button)
015 推迟下一个问题(015 Delay Next Question)
016 给出反馈(016 Giving Feedback)
017 评论代码和最后的触摸(017 Commenting the Code and Final Touches)
018 建立游戏(018 Building the Game)
001 如何2三维平台设计(001 How 2D Platformer Design)
002 创建项目并导入2D封装(002 Creating the Project and Importing the 2D Package)
003 起点水平1 设计和进口资产(003 Beginning Level 1 Design and Importing Assets)
004 电梯平台的搭建(004 Setting Up the Elevator Platform)
005 设置杀戮层(005 Setting up the Kill Floor)
006 创建健康的用户界面(006 Creating the UI for Health)
007 纺纱Buzzsaw和消耗健康(007 Spinning the Buzzsaw and Depleting Health)
008 设置回拨功能(008 Setting up the knockBack Function)
009 暂停击退动作(009 Pausing Movement for knockback)
010 过渡到下一级(010 Transitioning to the next Level)
011 第二层次设计(011 Designing the Second Level)
012 使嗡嗡声上下移动(012 Making the Buzzsaw move up and down)
013 设计水平2(013 Designing Level 2)
014 添加播放按钮(014 Adding the Play Again Button)
015 背景介绍(015 Putting in Backgrounds)
016 在级别结束时显示消息(016 Showing a Message at the end of a Level)
017 冻结球员在一个级别的末尾(017 Freezing the Player at the end of a Level)
018 提高水平创建工作流(018 Improving Level Creating Workflow)
019 添加音频(019 Adding Audio)
020 打包音频和修复碰撞错误(020 Wrapping up audio and fixing collision bug)
001 恐怖射击游戏和有限状态机介绍(001 Introduction to Horror Shooter Game and Finite State Machines)
002 创建项目和进口资产(002 Creating the Project and Importing Assets)
003 建筑场景(003 Building the Scene for Character Naviagtion)
004 烘烤导航网并设置目的地(004 Baking the Nav Mesh and Setting a Destination)
005 寻找最接近的航路点(005 Finding the Closest Waypoint)
006 创造追求行为(006 Creating the Pursue Behavior)
007 转头(007 Turning The Head)
008 为玩家重构扫描(008 Restructuring Scan For Player)
009 投射光线检查球员(009 Casting A Ray To Check For Player)
010 多角度产生光线(010 Creating Rays At More Angles)
011 让敌人看球员(011 Making Enemy Look At The Player)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的020 打包音频和修复碰撞错误(020 Wrapping up audio and fixing collision bug), 本站编号36654960, 该Unity3D素材大小为19m, 时长为04分 58秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为misstickle, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。