001 创建智能地形(001 Creating the smart terrain)
002 创建草条预制件(002 Create the grass strip prefab)
003 用地形条覆盖整个场地(003 Covering the entire field with terrain strips)
004 在C语言中创建主@(004 Creating the main character programming script in c sharp)
005 在单项开发中开始写@(005 Starting to write the character jump method in monodevelop)
006 编码@ @(006 Coding the character jump animation)
007 把“@”字样移动到每个条(007 Make the character move to each strips)
008 使@ @ StudioTys@顺利地移动到下一个位置(008 Making the character smoothly move to the next location)
009 跳高动画的制作(009 Working on the jump height animation)
010 程序动态条带产卵(010 Program dynamic strip spawning)
011 为草添加更多预制模板(011 Add more prefab templates for grass)
012 在道路上增加卡车和出租车(012 Adding trucks and taxis to the roads)
013 导入您自己的3像素艺术模型走向统一3D(013 Import your own 3D pixel art models into Unity 3D)
014 将物理对撞器添加到主@(014 Add physics collider to main character)
015 碰撞检测程序(015 Program the collision detection)
016 如何在所有车辆上添加刚体和碰撞器(016 How to add rigibodies and colliders on all vehicles)
017 创建车辆预制件3三维物理(017 Create vehicle prefabs with 3D physics)
001 程序玩家死亡动画(001 Program player death animation)
002 防止死后动画的移动(002 Prevent character from moving after death animation)
003 将擦拭功能添加到主@(003 Adding the swiping functionality to the main character)
004 编写多向跳跃的方法存根(004 Writing the method stubs for the multidirectional jumps)
005 在启动命令上触发向上跳跃(005 Triggering the jump upward on swipe up command)
006 使主@面向正确的方向(006 Making the main character face the correct direction)
007 向左编程跳转(007 Programming the jump to the left)
008 跳转逻辑的编程(008 Programming the jump right logic)
009 创建左右的物理边界(009 Creating physical boundaries left and right)
010 程序的@ @(010 Program the character death colliding with boundaries)
011 创建树木和岩石的障碍类型(011 Create the obstacle type for trees and rocks)
012 编程障碍防撞(012 Programming obstacles collision prevention)
001 当前分数值的编程(001 Programming the current score value)
002 编程评分用户界面(002 Program the score User Interface)
003 创建一个简单的游戏菜单(003 Create a simple Game Menu)
004 编程开始菜单(004 Programming the Start Menu)
005 创建并添加游戏标题到开始菜单(005 Create and add the game title to the start menu)
006 在菜单屏幕上创建游戏(006 Create the game over menu screen)
007 通过菜单编程游戏(007 Programming the Game Over menu)
008 游戏重装编程(008 Programming game reloading)
009 IOS开发的统一设置(009 Unity settings for iOS development)
010 汽车烤漆熄灭(010 Lighting Auto baked OFF)
011 免费创建iOS图标(011 Creating the iOS icons for free)
012 生成XCODE项目并打开它(012 Generate the xcode project and open it)
013 更新XCODE项目设置(013 Updating Xcode project settings)
014 补遗64 单位编译器中的位(014 Addendum 64 bits in Unity compilers)
001 在iTunes连接中添加新的应用程序(001 Adding a new app in iTunes Connect)
002 进入iTunes连接设置(002 Entering the itunes connect settings)
003 为iTunes连接仪表板创建IGAME屏幕截图(003 Create ingame screenshots for itunes connect dashboard)
004 上传你的应用程序到我的调制解调器应用商店(004 Upload your app to iTunes app store)
006 添加内置的ITC并提交审核(006 Add build in ITC and submit for review)
007 祝贺(007 Congratulations)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的002 防止死后动画的移动(002 Prevent character from moving after death animation), 本站编号36642485, 该Unity3D素材大小为9m, 时长为01分 02秒, 支持高清播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为laiaoreka, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。