
  • 软件 : Illustrator
  • 文件总数:14
  • 4K
    118 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的Illustrator资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的05_将纹理添加到标签(05_Adding_a_texture_to_the_label), 本站编号31870906, 该Illustrator素材大小为50m, 时长为10分 28秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:3次, 作者为VocalMix, 更多精彩Illustrator素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在本插画教程中我们将集中精力创建为一个虚构的饮料包装。我们就开始了由建筑内将用于我们的包装设计的插画,我草拟了的几个要素。当我们将这些元素组装成我们的设计,我们会学到东西像如何,我们可以创建无缝模式,我们可以如何利用路径文字和如何我们可以转化为摄影纹理矢量的形式,用于在我们的设计。在本课程中我们将为我们虚构的饮料创造 2 不同的标签、 产品样机,以及饮料载体。完成此课程后,您将熟悉的几个工具和技术,利用图形设计专业人员创建的包装设计时。 原文:  In this Illustrator tutorial we will focus on creating packaging for a fictional beverage. We’ll get started by building a few elements that I have sketched inside illustrator which will be used for our package design. As we assemble these elements into our design, we’ll learn things like how we can create seamless patterns, how we can utilize type on paths and how we can convert photographic texture into vector form for use in our design. Throughout this course we will create 2 different labels, a product mockup as well as a drink carrier for our fictional beverage. After completing this course, you will be familiar with several tools and techniques that are utilized by graphic design professionals when creating package designs.