01. 地形几何的建立(01. Setting up the terrain geometry)
02. 绘制地形图(02. Painting the topography)
03. 绘制地形纹理(03. Painting the terrain textures)
04. 油漆树木和森林(04. Painting trees and forests)
05. 画草, 灌木, and3三维几何(05. Painting grass, shrubs, and 3D geometry)
06. 绘画细节网格(06. Painting detail meshes)
07. 调整地形设置(07. Adjusting terrain settings)
01. 探索统一脚本(01. Exploring Unity scripting)
02. 使用变量(02. Using variables)
03. 发现函数(03. Discovering functions)
04. 使用语法, 标点符号, 控制台(04. Using syntax, punctuation, and the console)
05. 函数语法研究(05. Looking at function syntax)
06. 打印到控制台(06. Printing to the console)
07. 旋转时间函数的探讨(07. Exploring rotation and time functions)
08. 脚本基本功能(08. Scripting basic functions)
09. 组合变换(09. Combining transforms)
10. 设置变换(10. Setting transforms)
11. 使用条件句创建游戏(11. Using conditionals to create gameplay)
01. 距离和局部变量的探索(01. Exploring distance and local variables)
02. 光线投射(02. Raycasting)
03. 建筑计时器(03. Building timers)
04. 创建简单的弹丸(04. Creating a simple projectile)
05. 炮弹精炼(05. Refining the projectile)
06. 碰撞变量与标签的探讨(06. Exploring the OnCollision variable and tags)
07. 发送消息(07. Sending messages)
08. 对消息的反应(08. Reacting to messages)
09. 杂耍播放和编辑模式(09. Juggling Play and Edit modes)
10. 抑制输入(10. Suppressing input)
01. 创建游戏对象(01. Creating GameObjects)
02. 理解组件(02. Understanding components)
03. 使用碰撞器的障碍物(03. Using colliders for barriers)
04. 使用碰撞器触发(04. Using colliders for triggers)
05. 探索物理学(05. Exploring physics)
06. 物理元件工作(06. Working with physics component)
07. 制作布(07. Making cloth)
08. 风区工作(08. Working with wind zones)
09. 使用音频源(09. Using an audio source)
10. 创建音域(10. Creating a sound zone)
11. 添加音频效果(11. Adding audio effects)
01. 预制件的再利用(01. Creating and reusing prefabs)
02. 使用阵列的预制件(02. Using prefabs with arrays)
03. 引入随机性(03. Introducing randomness)
04. 创建粒子系统(04. Creating particle systems)
05. 细化粒子系统(05. Refining particle systems)
06. 结合粒子系统(06. Combining particle systems)
07. 升级武器(07. Upgrading weapons)
08. 探索水效应(08. Exploring water effects)
01. 导入静态对象(01. Importing static objects)
02. 操纵纹理(02. Manipulating textures)
03. 使用材质和着色器(03. Working with materials and shaders)
04. 搬运多种材料(04. Handling multiple materials)
05. 动画U VS(05. Animating UVs)
06. 用跟踪对象跟踪(06. Tracking objects with LookAt)
07. 使用LITECAST和线路渲染器(07. Using Linecast and the Line Renderer)
01. 环境光调查(01. Investigating ambient light)
02. 看光类型(02. Looking at light types)
03. 探索阴影(03. Exploring shadows)
04. 野兽烘烤照明(04. Baking lighting with Beast)
05. 野兽实验(05. Experimenting with Beast)
06. 烘焙游戏场景(06. Baking the game scene)
07. 创建灯光效果(07. Creating lighting effects)
08. 添加手电筒(08. Adding a flashlight)
09. 探索航迹点和死亡带(09. Exploring waypoints and death zones)
01. 平台设置开关和余弦(01. Platformer setup_ Snaps and cosines)
02. 使用动画视图(02. Using the Animation view)
03. 使用多个动画剪辑工作(03. Working with multiple animation clips)
04. 触发关键帧动画(04. Triggering keyframe animations)
05. 动画透明(05. Animating transparency)
06. 关键帧事件(06. Keyframing events)
07. 避免关键帧陷阱(07. Avoiding keyframing pitfalls)
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