
  • 其他软件教程 : Renderman
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    5 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的05 RND101-类(05 rnd101-class), 本站编号31863539, 该其他软件教程素材大小为124m, 时长为01:00:21, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为EnjoyPA, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 类 01:Introduction: Renderman @ 是一种规范,prman 是软件:"你好球体"这 20 岁软件-prman 软件包和各项事业的快速游-简史︰ 写简单的肋骨呈现球体-一根肋骨结构概要-上下文堆栈。类 02:RIB 结构︰ 创建场景-基本变换 (和矩阵串联)-定位-基本几何基元-育儿-相机选项和属性。03:REYES 类︰ 深入看看雷耶斯算法,难道真的呈现一切你见过吗?-核心概念︰ 分裂、 划片机、 micropolygons 和着色器-渲染选项︰ 掌控你的内存,速度和图像 qualityClass 04:Custom 着色器︰ 底纹语言语法、 语法和数据类型、 编译-一个简单的塑料着色器执行-执行的一个简单的轻着色器-将着色器连接到几何的简介。类 05:ImageFeatures︰ 运动模糊、 运动样品、 多段模糊,局限性-深度字段-制服、 不同-流量控制-fBmClass 06:Passing 数据︰ 坐标系统,空间 transformationsClass 07:Shading,纹理贴图︰ txmake 和纹理 ()-几何基元-纹理 coordinatesClass 08:Shading,照明︰ 照明照度︰ 漫反射和镜面 reflectionsClass 09:Bump & 位移︰ 凹凸映射-位移映射-位移边界-实际应用的亚像素 displacementClass 10︰ 阴影︰ 阴影贴图的偏见--模糊-样品-工作流在玛雅 / 苗条 原文: Class 01:Introduction: Renderman@ is a specification, prman is the software : a brief history of this 20 years old software - quick tour of the prman software package and the various utilities - "hello sphere" : write a simple RIB to render a sphere - overview of the structure of a RIB - context stacks.Class 02:RIB structure : creating a scene - basic transformations (and matrix concatenation) - positioning the camera - basic geometric primitives - parenting - options & attributes.Class 03:REYES: in-depth look at the REYES algorithm, does it really Render Everything You Ever Saw ? - core concepts : splitting, dicing, micropolygons and shaders - render options : taking control of your memory, speed and image qualityClass 04:Custom Shaders: introduction to the shading language grammar, syntax & data types, compilation - implementation of a simple plastic shader - implementation of a simple light shader - attaching the shaders to the geometry.Class 05:ImageFeatures: motion blur, motion samples, multi-segment blur, limitations - depth of field - uniform / varying - flow control - fBmClass 06:Passing Data: coordinate systems, space transformationsClass 07:Shading, texture maps: txmake and texture( ) - geometric primitives - texture coordinatesClass 08:Shading, Illumination: Illuminance, Illuminate : diffuse & specular reflectionsClass 09:Bump & Displacement: bump mapping - displacement mapping - displacement bounds - practical application of sub-pixel displacementClass 10:Shadows: shadow maps - bias - blur - samples - workflow in Maya / Slim