
  • 其他 : Digital Tutors
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  • 爱给网提供海量的Photoshop资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的06_应用跟踪数据以及创建一个粒子系统(06_Applying_the_tracking_data_and_Creating_a_Particle_System), 本站编号31879564, 该Photoshop素材大小为39m, 时长为07分 23秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为XCloud927, 更多精彩Photoshop素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这个系列的效果教程后,我们将要学习的所有步骤,您需要图形颗粒融入我们滑雪射击。当你在做这样一个项目时,有几个不同的工作流,这是可能的。如果你拍摄自己,你就有更多的控制映射粒子做你想要什么。然而,我们开始与射击不是我们拍摄自己,,所以我们要克服很多困难,使我们的颗粒感觉融入在这个场景中。我们 ' 将学习几个不同的方法来跟踪与后影响 CS6 使用摩卡跟踪器,这捆绑在一起。我们还使用追踪器内影响后照顾一些更容易跟踪。我们使用标配后影响,产生一些粒子,粒子系统,我们学习如何调整这些粒子,看起来像他们有我们的场景的深度。这后效果教程很适合你,如果你想知道如何解决一些实际问题,你遇到困难的轨道,以及如何使用一些其他技巧来进一步图形融入一个镜头。本教程中,年底你 ' 将能够应用知识你学习,并且有更多的成功,在您自己的项目,需要多一点的努力工作,以让其闪闪发光。 原文: In this series of After Effects tutorials, we are going to learn all of the steps you need to integrate graphic particles into our snowboarding shot. When you are doing a project like this, there are a couple of different workflows that are possible. If you shoot the footage yourself, then you have a lot more control over mapping what you want the particles to do. The shot that we begin with however, is not something that we shot ourselves, and so we have to overcome many difficulties to make our particles feel integrated in this scene. We'll learn a few different ways to track using the Mocha tracker which is bundled with After Effects CS6. We also use the tracker inside of After Effects to take care of some of the easier tracks. We use a particle system that comes standard with After Effects to generate some particles, and we learn how to tweak those particles to look like they have the depth of our scene. This After Effects tutorial is perfect for you if you want to know how to solve some of the real problems that you run into with a difficult track, and, also, how to use some other tricks to further the integration of graphics into a shot. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to apply the knowledge you learn, and have a lot more success in your own projects that require a little more hard work to make them shine.