001 设置创建高级3D像素女性模型(001 Setup to create advanced 3d pixel woman model)
002 先进的3D女人网-脚模型(002 Advanced 3d woman mesh - modeling the feet)
003 先进建模腿部臀部和大腿(003 Advanced - modeling the legs hips and thighs)
004 先进的上胸部和背部建模(004 Advanced - modeling the upper chest and back)
005 高级建模手臂和肩膀(005 Advanced - modeling the arms and shoulders)
006 先进的头部和颈部模型(006 Advanced - modeling the head and neck)
007 高级发型造型(007 Advanced - modeling the hair style)
001 如何画出一个神奇的女人(001 How do draw a wonder woman character - the base body)
002 画出神奇的女人@(002 Draw Wonder Woman character - Adding the hero costume)
003 自动钻机奇迹女人@(003 Auto Rig wonder woman character skeleton)
004 添加动画包神奇女子(004 Add animation packs to wonder woman)
005 出口神奇女侠模型和动画为一体3D(005 Export the wonder woman model and animation for Unity 3D)
006 导入神奇女侠@统一女性和统一动画3D(006 Importing Wonder Woman characters and anims in Unity 3D)
007 创造一个神奇女人预演游戏对象(007 Create a Wonder Woman Prefab Game Object)
008 为动画设置脚本和控制器(008 Set up script and controllers for animation)
009 混合动画闲置步行(009 Blending Animations Idle to Walking)
010 用C Script脚本实现行走动画(010 Program the walk animation in c sharp script)
011 创建左右扫射动画(011 Create the Strafe Left and Right animations)
012 设置和编程跳跃动画(012 Setup and program the jumping animation)
013 添加自定义后翻转动画(013 Adding the custom back flip animation)
001 高级钢铁侠-主色调(001 Advanced - iron man - main colors)
002 增加铁人甲的细节(002 Adding details to ironman armor)
003 出口铁人模型(003 Export the ironman model)
004 汽车铁人3D 模型(004 Auto Rig the ironman 3d model)
005 在统一中使用@ @(005 Export the character animation to use in Unity)
006 在统一中导入Irman3D(006 Import Ironman character within Unity3D)
007 旋转动画的建立与编程(007 Setting up and Programing the Turning animation)
008 创建铁人能爆炸动画(008 Creating the ironman energy blast animation)
009 在统一中创造能量束(009 Create the energy beam in Unity)
010 能量束发射动画编程(010 Programming the energy beam firing animation)
011 触发能量束动画(011 Triggering the energybeam animation)
012 使用动画事件触发爆炸(012 Working with animation events to trigger blast)
014 当能量束击中时触发死亡动画(014 Trigger the death animation when hit by energy beam)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的002 画出神奇的女人@(002 Draw Wonder Woman character - Adding the hero costume), 本站编号36645945, 该Unity3D素材大小为42m, 时长为06分 12秒, 支持高清播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Alexandr Zavesa, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。