01 - 介绍和项目概述(01 - Introduction and project overview)

02 - HumanIK 是什么(02 - What is HumanIK)

03 - 骨架发电机窗口概述(03 - Overview of the Skeleton Generator window)

04 - 看着使用你自己的骨架的要求(04 - Looking at the requirements for using your own skeleton)

05 - 海康和额外接头处理所需的节点(05 - Required nodes for HIK and dealing with extra joints)

06 - 表征窗口与缺省的骨架(06 - Characterization window with the default skeleton)

07 - 我们自定义的骨架与表征窗口(07 - Characterization window with our custom skeleton)

08 - 创建控制钻机和键控组(08 - Creating a control rig and keying groups)

09 - 钉住, 到达和键控组(09 - Pinning, reach and keying groups)

10 - 看着海康钻机选项(10 - Looking at the HIK rig options)

11 - 如何创建辅助效应器(11 - How to create auxiliary effectors)

12 - 如何创建支点效应器(12 - How to create pivots effectors)

13 - 准备重定向(13 - Preparing for retargeting)

14 - 重定向的工作流(14 - Workflow for retargeting)

15 - 烘烤 mocap 的最佳做法(15 - Best practices for baking mocap)

16 - 调整动作捕捉数据使用 HumanIK 钻机(16 - Tweaking mocap data using the HumanIK rig)

17 - 使用重定目标的数据构成动画(17 - Using retargeted data to pose animation)

18 - 使用框架生成器的梅尔(18 - Using MEL with the Skeleton Generator)

19 - 与表征工具一起使用梅尔(19 - Using MEL with the Characterization Tool)

20 - 使用 人物 控件窗口的梅尔(20 - Using MEL with the Character Controls window)


  • Maya : 高级
  • 文件总数:20
  • 4K
    170 人已学习
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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 我们将本 Maya 教程学习技术、 工作流和最佳做法玛雅人用 ' s HumanIK (海康) 工具集。我们将整个这些教训来学习一些需要向索具管道字符添加海康的 MEL 命令一路走来我们将看看一些与 HumanIK 工具集和我们如何能够在他们周围的限制。这年底教程,你将舒适与海康,无论您是设计卡通者与没有索具经验或想要添加到您的索具管线海康 TD。 原文: In this Maya tutorial we will be learn techniques, workflows and best practices for use with Maya's HumanIK (HIK) toolset. Throughout these lessons we will be learning some of the MEL commands needed to add HIK to a character rigging pipeline. Along the way we will look at some of the limitations with the HumanIK toolset and how we can work around them. By the end of the this tutorial, you will comfortable with HIK whether you are an animator with no rigging experience or a TD looking to add HIK to your rigging pipeline.