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  • 爱给网提供海量的C4D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的07_纠正腿部的动作(07_Correcting_the_movements_of_the_legs), 本站编号31875255, 该C4D素材大小为35m, 时长为15分 23秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为kerodean, 更多精彩C4D素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 这家影院 4 D 培训我们将学习如何使用四维影院 ' s 动画工具来创建令人信服的运行周期。我们 ' 首先来看看我们的钻机和找出能更好的我们需要轮换顺序。我们 ' ll 然后跳开始阻塞在奔跑的权利︰ 添加极端和故障。完成此步骤后,我们 ' ll 开始抛光的动画,包括提炼弧,达到现实的体重,以及巩固每个姿势。我们 ' 还将了解如何镜像动画工作更快、 以及如何翻译奔跑向前。最后,你 ' ll 不仅学习如何制作动画运行的周期,但你 ' 将学到技术,可以用来改善您的动画的质量。 原文: In this CINEMA 4D training we will learn how to use CINEMA 4D's animation tools to create a convincing run cycle. We'll start by taking a look at our rig and figuring out a rotation order that would work best for our needs. We'll then jump right in an start blocking in the run: adding extremes and breakdowns. Once this step is finished, we'll begin polishing the animation, which includes refining arcs, achieving realistic weight, as well as solidifying each pose. We'll also learn how to mirror animation to work faster, as well as how to translate the run forward. In the end, you'll not only learn how to animate a run cycle, but you'll learn techniques that can be used to improve the quality of your animations.