03.捕获的形式通过手势图(03.Capturing the form through gesture drawing)
04.可视化图三尺寸与包装荷西(04.Visualizing the figure three dimensionally with wrap arou)
05.可视化的重量和质量,通过手势图(05.Visualizing weight and mass through gesture drawing)
06.分解成形状图(06.Breaking down the figure into shapes)
07.对我们构成形状的草绘轮廓线。(07.Sketching contour lines over our posed shapes)
08.映射的阴影(08.Mapping the shadows)
09.建立与核心阴影阴影图(09.Building up the figure with core shadow shading)
10.堵在中间色调值和我们图上的亮点(10.Blocking in mid-tone values and highlights on our figure)
11.混合值和精炼形式(11.Blending values and refining the form)
12. 继续混合和完善窗体(12. Continuing to blend and refine the form)
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