001 砖断路器游戏概述(001 Brick Breaker Game Overview)
002 设置项目(002 Setting Up The Project)
003 为多个对象使用SpReSeGET(003 Using a Spritesheet for Multiple Objects)
004 移动桨重新使用代码(004 Moving The Paddle - Re-Using Code)
005 移动Ball(005 Moving The Ball)
006 开始游戏(006 Starting The Game)
007 破坏砖(007 Destroying Bricks)
008 重置Ball(008 Resetting The Ball)
001 增加生命和显示用户界面(001 Adding Lives and Showing UI)
002 游戏在屏幕上(002 Game Over Screen)
003 加分(003 Adding Score)
004 显示分数UI(004 Showing Score UI)
005 加分数效应(005 Adding Score Effect)
006 创建主菜单(006 Creating a Main Menu)
007 创建暂停菜单(007 Creating a Pause Menu)
008 创建水平获胜屏幕(008 Creating Level Win Screen)
009 向游戏管理者添加砖块检查(009 Add Brick Check to Game Manager)
001 保持分数和生命(001 Keeping Score and Lives)
002 游戏结束后重新启动(002 Restarting After Game Over)
003 加高分(003 Adding High Scores)
004 添加简单的声音效果(004 Adding Simple Sound Effects)
005 创建分数乘法器(005 Creating a Score Multiplier)
006 随机启动方向(006 Randomising Start Direction)
007 更新级别2(007 Updating Level 2)
008 胜利屏幕(008 Victory Screen)
009 建筑砖块游戏(009 Building the Brick Busters Game)
001 外星人猎人游戏概述(001 Alien Hunters Game Overview)
002 设置项目(002 Setting Up The Project)
003 移动球员(003 Moving The Player)
004 保持玩家在屏幕上(004 Keeping The Player On Screen)
005 引入动画_处理统一错误_(005 Introducing Animations _and Dealing with a Unity Bug_)
006 动画师移动(006 Movement With Animator)
007 滚动空间背景(007 Scrolling Space Background)
008 创建移动和旋转对象(008 Creating Moving and Rotating Objects)
009 伤害球员(009 Hurting The Player)
001 制造敌人(001 Making Enemies)
002 消灭敌人(002 Destroying Enemies)
003 制造敌人火力(003 Making Enemies Fire)
004 挑战练习1 - 当敌人被摧毁时制造爆炸(004 CHALLENGE EXERCISE 1 - Create An Explosion When The Enemy Is Destroyed)
005 不同敌方运动类型(005 Different Enemy Movement Types)
006 阻止敌人互相殴打(006 Stopping Enemies Hitting Each Other)
007 挑战练习2 - 制造更多的敌人和小行星危险(007 CHALLENGE EXERCISE 2 - Create More Enemies and Asteroid Hazards)
008 招摇敌人(008 Making Waves of Enemies)
009 阵列波管理(009 Managing Waves with Arrays)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的002 重生并被杀(002 Respawning and Getting Killed), 本站编号36654011, 该Unity3D素材大小为38m, 时长为11分 21秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为Jessie Evans, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。