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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 这家影院 4 D 教程中我们将学习如何制作动画四足动物。在这些经验教训,我们将学习如何分解复杂的运动,四足成易于管理的步骤来创建一个有趣的和自然的动画。我们 ' 首先来看看参考之前我们开始阻塞在动画中。在那之后我们 ' 将学到如何顺利从我们阻塞的阶段过渡到我们波兰通都在学习像后续技术的基本工作流和管理动画电影 4 D ' s 时间轴。通过这门课程结束时,你会的技能,使你自己四足动物生活中令人信服的方式。 原文: In this CINEMA 4D tutorial we will learn how to animate a quadruped. Throughout these lessons we will learn how to breakdown the complex movements of a quadruped into manageable steps to create a fun and natural-looking animation. We'll start by taking a look at reference before we begin blocking in the animation. After that we'll learn how to smoothly transition from our blocking stage to our polish pass all the while learning essential workflows like follow-through techniques and managing animation in CINEMA 4D's timeline. By the end of this course, you will have the skills to bring your own quadruped to life in a convincing way.