01 - 课程概述(01 - The Course Overview)
02 - 配置Unity和MNO开发脚本(02 - Configuring Unity and MonoDevelop for Scripting)
03 - 创建Hello World程序(03 - Creating a Hello World Program)
04 - 使用统一脚本引用(04 - Using the Unity Scripting Reference)
05 - 准备创建一个移动脚本(05 - Preparing to Create a Mover Script)
06 - 通过脚本定位对象(06 - Positioning an Object through Script)
07 - 通过脚本移动对象(07 - Moving an Object through Script)
08 - 用向量和运动工作(08 - Working with Vectors and Motion)
09 - 使用增量时间(09 - Using DeltaTime)
10 - 创建旋转脚本(10 - Creating a Rotator Script)
11 - 播放模式与调试(11 - Play Mode and Debugging)
12 - 下载统一(12 - Download Unity)
13 - 创建硬币预制件(13 - Creating a Coin Prefab)
14 - 创建硬币旋转(14 - Creating Coin Rotation)
15 - 创建硬币收集机械师(15 - Creating a Coin Collection Mechanic)
16 - 触发器与碰撞(16 - Triggers and Collisions)
17 - 创建计时器(17 - Creating a Timer)
18 - 创建用户界面(18 - Create a User Interface)
19 - 使用文本对象显示倒计时(19 - Use Text Object to Display Countdown)
20 - 处理获胜条件(20 - Handle the Win Condition)
21 - 启动后续脚本(21 - Starting a Follow Script)
22 - 查看其他对象(22 - Looking at Other Objects)
23 - 完整的@(23 - Complete NPC Mover)
24 - 检测玩家点击输入(24 - Detect Player Click Input)
25 - 创建光线投射和交叉点(25 - Create Raycasts and Intersections)
26 - 无代码点击(26 - Codeless Clicking)
27 - 构建通用触发器动作脚本(27 - Building a Generic Trigger Action Script)
28 - 改变场景(28 - Change Scenes)
29 - 球员移动(29 - Player Movement)
30 - 玩家@(30 - Player Character and Physics)
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的15 - 创建硬币收集机械师(15 - Creating a Coin Collection Mechanic), 本站编号36689542, 该Unity3D素材大小为45m, 时长为10分 21秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为justine, 更多精彩Unity3D素材,尽在爱给网。