1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and project overview)
2. 创建初始 人物 组件(2. Creating the initial character component)
3. 创建根组件(3. Creating the root component)
4. 创建脊柱组件(4. Creating a spine component)
5. 整理的脊柱组件(5. Finishing the spine component)
6. 腿部组件上开始(6. Starting on the leg component)
7. 腿部组件创建调整控点(7. Creating adjustment handles for the leg component)
8. 我们的腿组件创建调整规则(8. Creating adjustment rules for our leg component)
9. 整理的腿组件(9. Finishing the leg component)
10. 构建臂组件(10. Building an arm component)
11. 创建调整图柄臂组件(11. Creating adjustment handles for the arm component)
12. 添加调整规则臂组件(12. Adding adjustment rules for the arm component)
13. 最后确定臂组件(13. Finalizing the arm component)
14. 复核我们调整钻机(14. Double-checking our adjustment rig)
15. 测试我们钻机模板(15. Testing our rig template)
16. 最后确定控制钻机(16. Finalizing the control rig)
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