01 介绍和项目概述(01 Introduction and project overview)

02 设置Windows机器开发VR应用程序(02 Setting up our Windows machine to develop VR apps)

03 设置统一性3虚拟现实技术(03 Setting up Unity 3D for VR)

04 建立我们的Oculus开发机器(04 Setting up our machine for Oculus development)

05 验证Oculus是否已准备好使用(05 Verifying that Oculus is ready for use)

06 跳台机的安装(06 Setting up machine for Leap Motion)

07 虚拟现实的基本概念(07 Basic concepts about VR)

08 如何创建沉浸式VR体验(08 How to create an immersive VR experience)

09 Oculus裂痕概述(09 Oculus Rift overview)

10 理解Oculus裂痕DK2 硬件(10 Understanding the Oculus Rift DK2 hardware)

11 Orculus裂痕消费版硬件(11 Oculus Rift Consumer Edition hardware)

12 学习Oculus裂谷的工作原理(12 Learning how the Oculus Rift works)

13 使用VR预防晕车(13 Preventing motion sickness while using VR)

14 Oculus裂谷发展的不同途径(14 Different approaches for Oculus Rift development)

15 统一的Oculus裂谷发展3D(15 Oculus Rift development with Unity 3D)

16 统一集成包概述(16 Oculus Unity Integration Package Overview)

17 三星齿轮VR概述(17 Samsung Gear VR Overview)

18 为三星齿轮VR开发VR应用程序(18 Developing VR apps for Samsung Gear VR)

19 开发移动VR应用程序(19 Developing mobile VR apps)

20 Oculus商店的发布应用程序(20 Publishing Apps for Oculus Store)

21 部署和测试齿轮VR的应用程序(21 Deploying and testing an app for Gear VR)

22 跳跃运动概述(22 Leap Motion Overview)

23 统一中的跳跃运动发展3D(23 Leap Motion Development in Unity 3D)

24 跳跃运动相互作用(24 Interacting with Leap Motion)

25 复习我们学过的东西(25 Reviewing what we"ve learned)


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