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  • 爱给网提供海量的Maya资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的17.设置.敷料.概念(17.Set.dressing.concepts), 本站编号31872291, 该Maya素材大小为26m, 时长为08分 20秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为uscguy98, 更多精彩Maya素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 当构建生成的计算机游戏,电影或广播,可信的环境中,道具的模型和设置都是一个至关重要的组成部分。环境设置的故事上演的舞台,可以组成的数百个组织成多个片段的资产。道具和环境模型是更为宽容关于其拓扑因为他们很少需要变形。然而他们提出他们自己的挑战。在此课程中我们将讨论一下这些特定的挑战环境建模者将面临他们出发。我们 ' ll 谈不同的建模方法和我们到平滑模型的方法对工作流的影响我们使用。我们 ' ll 也谈清洁我们的资产和创建组织层次结构在我们的场景中。我们 ' ll 还包括一些像使用变形或分解成便于管理的部分重复对象的建模技巧。最后你 ' ll 有创建和修整自己的环境模型和集的头开始。 原文: When building computer generated models for games, film, or broadcast, believable environments, props, and sets are a vital component. The environment sets the stage for the story to play out and can be comprised of hundreds of assets organized into multiple set pieces. Props and environment models are more forgiving regarding their topology because they rarely need to deform. They do present their own challenges however. In this course we will talk about some of those specific challenges environment modelers will face as they start out. We'll talk about different modeling methods and how our approach to smoothing the models affects the workflow we use. We'll also talk about cleaning our assets and creating an organized hierarchy within our scenes. We'll also cover some modeling tips like using deformers or breaking down repeated objects into manageable sections. In the end you'll have a head start on creating and dressing your own environment models and sets.