1-01 欢迎(1-01 Welcome)

2-01 建立稳定(2-01 Setting up a stabilization)

2-02 跟踪点解释(2-02 Track points explained)

2-03 执行跟踪(2-03 Performing a track)

2-04 应用稳定(2-04 Applying a stabilization)

2-05 清理结果稳定(2-05 Cleaning up the results of a stabilization)

3-01 执行运动轨迹(3-01 Performing a motion track)

3-02 应用结果(3-02 Applying the results)

4-01 无线电波影响(4-01 The Radio Waves effect)

4-02 跟踪的山(4-02 Tracking the mountain)

4-03 合成的影响(4-03 Compositing the effect)

5-01 角度跟踪概述(5-01 Perspective tracking overview)

5-02 边角定位跟踪(5-02 Tracking to a corner pin)

5-03 提高复合(5-03 Improving the composite)

6-01 跟踪点(6-01 Tracking dots)

6-02 蒙昧的处理(6-02 Dealing with obscuration)

6-03 清理的稳定(6-03 Cleaning up the stabilization)

7-01 基本键控(7-01 Basic keying)

7-02 精炼的关键(7-02 Refining the key)

8-01 Quizzler 挑战(8-01 Quizzler challenges)

8-02 Quizzler1 解决方案稳定加掩蔽(8-02 Quizzler 1 solution Stabilization plus masking)

8-03 Quizzler2 解决方案稳定再加上跟踪(8-03 Quizzler 2 solution Stabilization plus tracking)

8-04 Quizzler3 复制摄影机运动的解决方案(8-04 Quizzler 3 solution Copying a cameras motion)

9-01 跟踪多个作用点(9-01 Tracking for multiple effect points)

10-01 对跟踪的建议(10-01 Advice for tracking)

10-02 隔行扫描的跟踪源(10-02 Tracking interlaced sources)

10-03 跟踪与摩卡 AE(10-03 Tracking with mocha-AE)

10-04 使用垃圾蒙版为键控(10-04 Using garbage masks for keying)


  • AE : 高级
  • 文件总数:28
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    142 人已学习
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  • 教程简介:

     本教程由Lynda出品机构,。教程中由Chris Meye演示了如何使用后显示如何处理各种不同的拍摄效果和内置的运动跟踪和稳定。该课程包括一个快速浏览的第三方软件摩卡,并演示了工作流程,包括跟踪蓝绿与手持相机拍摄,并更换其背景。