
  • 其他软件教程 : Toon Boom Harmony
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的2 概述的变形(2 An overview of morphing), 本站编号31882305, 该其他软件教程素材大小为20m, 时长为13分 00秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:6次, 作者为Airborne80, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 变形可以是时间的您的工作流的重要资产,因为它创建中间的图纸,可以为您节省大量与您的动画。我们 ' ll 开始本课程时的变形概述以及如何创建一个变形的序列。第一,很少有人教训我们 ' 将使用简单的形状,我们 ' 将学到的概念,如使用相同的矢量线和色板与你关键的图纸的重要性。此外,我们 ' 将学到如何使用变形工具来应用各种类型的提示,以控制仿型的图纸。之后这我们 ' ll 工作在三个不同的变形项目。我们 ' ll 变身关键图纸的一些烟雾,看看我们可以使用轮廓提示来移动它们有机。我们 ' ll 也探讨如何我们可以将变形序列应用于字符设计创建压缩的运动。最后我们 ' 将学到如何,我们可以假象草通过变形风中摇曳。一路上我们 ' 还将讨论设计你你变形序列的关键图纸的重要性。 原文: Morphing can be a great asset to your workflow in that it creates in-between drawings which can save you a lot of time with your animations.We'll begin this course with an overview of morphing and how to create a morphing sequence. For the first few lessons we'll work with simple shapes in which we'll learn concepts like the importance of using the same vector lines and swatches with your key drawings. In addition, we'll learn how we can use the morphing tool to apply various types of hints to control morphed drawings. Following this we'll work on three different morphing projects. We'll morph key drawings of some fumes and see we can use contour hints to move them organically. We'll also explore how we can apply a morphing sequence to a character design to create a squashing motion. Finally we'll learn how we can create the illusion of grass swaying in the wind through morphing. Along the way we'll also discuss the importance designing your key drawings for your morphing sequences.