1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and Project Overview)

2. 导入资产和设置的主要成分(2. Importing assets and setting up the main composition)

3. 在桌上放置接口组成(3. Placing the interface composition on the table)

4. 创建差值遮罩(4. Creating a Difference Matte)

5. Precomposing 的界面元素进行重新分组(5. Precomposing the interface elements to re-group)

6. 动画手机边框(6. Animating the phone border)

7. 规划动画(7. Planning the animations)

8. 带上开始按钮(8. Bringing on the start button)

9. 重新定位和动画的照片介绍(9. Repositioning and animating the introduction of the photo)

10. 移动用一只手的照片文件夹和添加内力(10. Moving the photo folder with the hand and adding seconda)

11. 掩蔽要模仿生活类似功能的照片文本(11. Masking the photo text to mimic life-like functionality)

12. 放置和动画图片(12. Placing and animating the pictures)

13. 微调图片动画和加大马(13. Fine-tuning the picture animations and scaling up the ma)

14. 按比例缩小其他图片和退出主 pic(14. Scaling down the other pictures and exiting the main pic)

15. 引入地图按钮,退出的图片(15. Introducing the maps button and exiting the pictures)

16. 添加映射到功能(16. Adding maps to the functionality)

17. 放置和掩蔽映射(17. Placing and masking the maps)

18. 进入地图, 最大化的主图, 和退出(18. Entering the maps, Maximizing the main map, and exiting)

19. 旋转与演员议案地图(19. Rotating the map with the actors motion)

20. 退出的地图(20. Exiting the maps)

21. 动画界面按下 t 的启示(21. Animating the reveal of the interface with the push of t)

22. 整理开始动画显示(22. Finishing the start animation reveal)

23. 文件夹显示及及其辅助元素的动画(23. Animating the folder reveal and its secondary elements)

24. 旋转风扇拨号(24. Rotating the fan dial)

25. 动画的温度计(25. Animating the thermometer)

26. 动画物位仪表(26. Animating the level meters)

27. 更改应用程序,提供闪烁的彩色 ch 不的透明度(27. Changing the opacity of the apps for a blinking color ch)

28. 将旋转动画添加到开始按钮(28. Adding rotation animation to the start button)

29. 将动作添加到应用程序按钮(29. Adding motion to the apps button)

30. 动画使用偏移量的映射按钮(30. Animating the maps button using offset)

31. 动画时钟与表达式(31. Animating the clocks with expressions)

32. 添加旋转千瓦电度表和风扇拨号(32. Adding rotation for the kilowatt hour meter and fan dial)

33. 创建一个笼统的雷达检测点(33. Creating a sweeping radar with detection dots)

34. 对圆柱计数拨号文件夹中的进行动画处理(34. Animating the cylindrical counting dial in the folder)

35. 创建新闻字幕(35. Creating a news marquee)

36. 动画新闻按钮上的旋转箭头(36. Animating the rotating arrows on the news button)

37. 创建一个画上的效果,为图(37. Creating a draw-on effect for the graphs)

38. 动画主要拨号的元素(38. Animating the elements of the main dial)

39. 微调开关对运动模糊和修复任何 timi(39. Fine-tuning switching on motion blur and fixing any timi)

40. 创建一个渲染与 PNG 序列(40. Creating a render with a PNG sequence)

41. 通过使用现有素材的添加相机抖动。(41. Adding camera shake by using existing footage)


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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在本系列教程,我们将学习如何制作动画和复合未来派的菜单界面与演员的镜头这是设计未来派菜单在 Illustrator 的后续课程。如果你有兴趣学习如何使所有的作品,我们将进行动画处理,你可能会想,先看看.我们开始通过导入的所有资产在与后的动画效果会最好接口的各种方法。然后,我们学习如何使移动与演员动作的碎片和如何使用表达式,从而使一些次要的作品有视觉感兴趣,因为他们旋转,滚动和揭示。向课程结束,我们越过了一些伟大的合成技巧为使菜单看起来更好地集成与您的镜头。这门课将教你如何有效地对多个对象进行动画处理和维护本课程年底模仿设计的现实生活界面。 的视觉一致性,你会有你自己复合拍摄的演员与未来派的界面相互作用。你也会被武装起来知识如何创建复杂动画轻松使用表达式。 原文:  In this series of tutorials, we will learn how to animate and composite a futuristic menu interface with footage of an actor.  This course is a follow-up course to Designing Futuristic Menus in Illustrator. If you have any interest in learning how to make all of the pieces that we will be animating, you may want to watch that first.  We start out by importing all of the assets in the various ways that will best interface with after effects for animation. We then learn how to make the pieces move with the actors motions and how to use expressions to make some of the secondary pieces have visual interest as they rotate, scroll, and reveal. Towards the end of the course, we go over some great compositing tips for making your menu look better integrated with your shot. This course will teach you how to efficiently animate multiple objects and maintain visual consistency that mimics the design of a real life interface.  By the end of this course, you will have your own composited shot of an actor interacting with a futuristic interface. You"ll also be armed with knowledge on how to create complex animations using expressions with ease.