1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and project overview)
2. 它是一个标志吗, 身份或品牌(2. Is it a logo, identity or brand)
3. 探索问题的咒语, 目标和创意简报(3. Mantra Exploring the problem, goals and creative brief)
4. 咒语素描审查(4. Mantra Sketch review)
5. 咒语建筑标志(5. Mantra Building the logo)
6. 咒语选择和应用颜色和字体(6. Mantra Selecting and apply colors and font)
7. 引入样式指南(7. Introducing the style guide)
8. 样式指南标志规范(8. Style Guide Logo specifications)
9. 风格指南颜色规范(9. Style Guide Color specifications)
10. 风格指南类型规格(10. Style Guide Type specifications)
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