3D模型减面优化插件Mootools Polygon Cruncher 11.10 支持Max与Maya
资源编号 : 38402256
文件体积 : 61m
下载量 : 41
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Polygon Cruncher用来减少你的对象的多边形数量而不改变它们的外观。把所有的细节高比例优化。同时也保持纹理信息,顶点颜色,用户定义的法线。您保护对象的边界,边界材质,UV的接缝…

Polygon Cruncher includes other features such as progressive optimization that makes easier to find a global optimization level for a scene that contain many objects
Polygon Cruncher includes cleaning tools for geometry or topology such removing coplanar faces, deleting confused points, merging meshes by materials or into a single object, bursting a mesh into separate elements…
More information about Polygon Cruncher for Maya, the 3D scene optimizer that decrease drastically the number of faces and points of your meshes. Integrated into the Maya interface (mll plugin) and also accessible through mel command, Polygon Cruncher for Maya simplifies your 3D assets and reduce the rendering time.

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3D模型减面优化插件Mootools Polygon Cruncher 11.10 支持Max与Maya

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相关主题 : 3dmax插件   减面   rpg/fps

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