04. 什么是团结(04. What is Unity)
05. 团结是我的引擎(05. Is Unity the right engine for me)
06. 安装工具(06. Installing the Tools)
07. 团结之旅(07. Tour of Unity)
08. 统一资产商店(08. The Unity Asset Store)
09. 原型A2游戏中的统一(09. Prototyping a 2D Game in Unity)
10. 原型A3游戏中的统一(10. Prototyping a 3D Game in Unity)
11. 布局统一面板(11. Layout the Unity Panels)
12. 游戏设计理论- Mono Behavior(12. Game Design Theory - MonoBehavior)
17. 你会创造什么?(17. What will you be creating)
18. 启动项目并创建舞台场景(18. Starting the Project and Creating a Staging Scene)
19. 创建测试平台(19. Create a test platform)
20. 建立播放器预置-动画和物理(20. Build the player prefab - Animations and Physics)
21. 构建播放器预置-编码播放器(21. Build the player prefab - Coding the player)
22. 创建一个可收集的项目@ @(22. Create a Collectible Item for the Character to pick up)
23. 着色剂效果材料(23. Materials for Shader Effects)
24. 随机化景物(24. Randomized Scenery)
25. 排序顺序(25. Sorting Order)
26. 创建具有约束的相机节点(26. Create a camera node with constraints)
27. 创建视差背景-构建层(27. Create a parallax background - Building the layers)
28. 创建视差背景-编码控制器(28. Create a parallax background - Coding the controller)
29. 之间的固定问题2D和3D 对象(29. Fixing Issues between 2D and 3D Objects)
30. 创建游戏管理器对象(30. Create a game manager object)
31. 保存和加载游戏数据(31. Saving and loading game data)
32. 添加2D声效应(32. Adding 2D Sound Effects)
33. 菜单设计基础(33. Menu Design Basics)
34. 创建一个定时器并在屏幕上显示(34. Create a timer and display it on screen)
35. 创造力挑战水平(35. Creativity challenge - Making levels)
36. 创建一个级别选择屏幕和转换(36. Create a level select screen and transitions)
37. 处理盈亏事件(37. Handle win and loss events)
38. 创建水平退出和杀伤区域(38. Create a level exit and kill zone)
39. 准备分配游戏(39. Preparing the game for Distribution)
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