


4. 自定义 MARI 界面(4. Customizing the MARI interface)

5. 导航 MARI 画布(5. Navigating the MARI canvas)

6. 了解在马里的历史(6. Understanding history in MARI)

7. 选择和躲在马里(7. Selecting and hiding in MARI)

8. 油漆缓冲区基础知识(8. Paint buffer basics)

9. 绘画和擦除在马里(9. Painting and erasing in MARI)

10. 自定义笔刷在马里(10. Customizing brushes in MARI)

11. 向马里导入 Photoshop 笔刷(11. Importing Photoshop brushes into MARI)

12. 绘画与对称性在马里(12. Painting with symmetry in MARI)

13. 使用通过工具油漆(13. Using the Paint Through Tool)

14. 使用模具中马里(14. Using stencils in MARI)

15. 缓冲区中的转型涂料(15. Transforming paint in the buffer)

16. 使用 Towbrush(16. Using the Towbrush)

17. 克隆在 MARI 油漆(17. Cloning paint in MARI)

18. 在 MARI 理解照明(18. Understanding lighting in MARI)

19. 使用着色器在马里工作(19. Working with shaders in MARI)

20. 带电视频道在马里工作(20. Working with channels in MARI)

21. 使用图层在马里(21. Working with layers in MARI)

22. 掩蔽的预测(22. Masking projections)

23. 创建图层蒙版和图层蒙版组(23. Creating layer masks and layer mask groups)

24. 调整图层和调整堆栈(24. Adjustment layers and adjustment stacks)

25. 程序图层(25. Procedural layers)

26. 分享中马里的图层(26. Sharing layers in MARI)

27. 使用修补程序在马里(27. Working with patches in MARI)

28. 理解 MARI 过滤器(28. Understanding MARI filters)

29. 导入和导出纹理映射(29. Importing and exporting texture maps)

30. 存档的马里项目(30. Archiving MARI projects)


  • 其他软件教程 : MARI
  • 文件总数:30
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    101 人已学习
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的4. 自定义 MARI 界面(4. Customizing the MARI interface), 本站编号31879145, 该其他软件教程素材大小为22m, 时长为12分 07秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为Jon Townsend, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    MARI has become the new standard in texture painting and a revolutionary addition to the production pipelines in many studios. With the release of MARI 2.0, the texture painting experience has not just improved but in fact its been completely overhauled to incorporate some tools, techniques and workflows you’ll probably recognize. In this MARI training, we will walk through each and every basic feature of MARI, and work to get you up to speed and painting in no time. This tutorial will cover in detail MARI’s projection based painting workflow and all of the tools and techniques that you’ll need to be successful. Along the way, we’ll be learning about many of the exciting new features inside of MARI 2.0 including a personal favorite: the inclusion of layers and a true layer based workflow. We’ll learn about this and many other new features, including adjustment layers, procedural layers and much much more. Whether you are a MARI veteran or a MARI newcomer, this tutorial has something for everyone. Strap in, warm up your painting and get ready to learn.