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  • 爱给网提供海量的AE教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的6-添加到我们的场景,特别是与粒子(6-Adding the particles to our scene with Particular), 本站编号31870673, 该AE教程素材大小为23m, 时长为11分 25秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:11次, 作者为Flybird Audio, 更多精彩AE教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这一系列效果教程后,我们学习如何使用掩蔽,照相机,和合成技巧.我们将首先讨论什么样的图像最好使用镜头像这,然后我们讨论如何决定我们哪里打破我们的形象,除了 2D 图像增加深度。后掩蔽我们层将他们分开,我们给他们一些 Z 深度和一个摄像头,给生活带来我们的场景进行动画处理。从那里,我们添加元素,如鸟类和颗粒添加到我们的深度和帮助卖现实主义在我们的场景中。培训结束时,我们会去从一个完全静止不动的形象感觉活着的场景。 原文:  In this series of After Effects tutorials, we learn how to add depth to a 2D image using masking, camera, and compositing tricks.    We will start by discussing what kinds of images are best to use for shots like this and then we discuss how to decide where we are going to break our image apart. After masking our layers to split them up, we give them some Z-depth and animate a camera to bring our scene to life. From there, we add elements like birds and particles that add to our depth and help sell realism in our scene. By the end of the training, we will have gone from a completely still image to a scene that feels alive.