1 - 介绍和项目概述教程(1 - Introduction and project overview Tutorial)

2 - 安装脚本和编解码器教程(2 - Installing scripts and codecs Tutorial)

3 - 看在我们基地文件教程设计(3 - Looking at design in our base files Tutorial)

4 - 导入文件和动画教程(4 - Importing files and animating Tutorial)

5 - 动画基地层网格和使用曲线教程(5 - Animating the base layer grid and using curves Tutorial)

6 - 创建灰度平方门户网站教程(6 - Creating the grayscale square portal Tutorial)

7 - 添加3D 动画和纹理 Tutori 多维数据集(7 - Adding 3D to the animation and texturing the cube Tutori)

8 - 将一个新图层添加到网格教程(8 - Adding a new layer to the grid Tutorial)

9 - 创建和动画教程三角门户(9 - Creating and animating the triangular portal Tutorial)

10 - 添加3D 金字塔教程(10 - Adding a 3D pyramid Tutorial)

11 - 动画从我们的场景 Tutori 三角门户(11 - Animating the triangular portal out of our scene Tutori)

12 - 将最后一层添加到网格教程(12 - Adding a final layer to the grid Tutorial)

13 - 创建和动画钻石形门户网站教程(13 - Creating and animating diamond shaped portal Tutorial)

14 - 创建门户网站教程的第二层(14 - Creating the second layer of the portal Tutorial)

15 - 添加和纹理3D 球面到场景 Tutoria(15 - Adding and texturing a 3D sphere into the scene Tutoria)

16 - 引入线到现场通过动画路径导师(16 - Introducing lines to the scene by animating paths Tutor)

17 - 向现场教程介绍动画的形状(17 - Introducing animated shapes to the scene Tutorial)

18 - 动画徽标持有人教程(18 - Animating logo holder Tutorial)

19 - 动画教程商标持有人中风(19 - Animating strokes on the logo holder Tutorial)

20 - 动画徽标和渲染视频文件 Tutoria(20 - Animating the logo and rendering the video file Tutoria)

21 - 摘要项目和决赛词语教程(21 - Summary of the project and final words Tutorial)


  • 其他 : Digital Tutors
  • 文件总数:21
  • 4K
    64 人已学习
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的Photoshop资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的7 - 添加3D 动画和纹理 Tutori 多维数据集(7 - Adding 3D to the animation and texturing the cube Tutori), 本站编号31882724, 该Photoshop素材大小为28m, 时长为13分 58秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为Chris Weaver, 更多精彩Photoshop素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这个系列的效果教程后,我们将创建一个短的动画组成的几何形状和图案使用后效果。我们 ' ll 开始从 Adobe Illustrator 文件和我们 ' 将看到项目权利到最后的渲染。一路走来我们将涵盖的技术包括︰ 抵消图层以创建有趣的动画,使用混合模式,以建立有趣的纹理、 有效动画显示在屏幕上的文本而不是使用可伸缩的写上工具、 创造基本的 3D 完全取得效果后,和使用在图编辑器中有效地得到了丝般的光滑运动曲线。本教程结束时,您将学习如何使用所有这些技术和更多创建无需任何昂贵,使用后效果项目第三方插件。 原文: In this series of After Effects tutorials, we will be creating a short animation composed of geometric shapes and patterns using After Effects. We'll be starting from an Adobe Illustrator file and we'll see the project right through to the final render. Along the way we will cover a range of techniques including: Offsetting layers to create interesting animations, using blend modes to build up interesting textures, animating text onto the screen effectively rather than using the unscalable Write-on tool, creating basic 3D made entirely in After Effects, and using the curves in the graph editor effectively to get silky smooth movement. By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned how to use all these techniques and more to create an After Effects project without the use of any expensive, 3rd party plugins.