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  • 爱给网提供海量的Maya资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的9. 对模型做出最后调整(9. Making final adjustments to the model), 本站编号31875558, 该Maya素材大小为76m, 时长为17分 32秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为Alex077, 更多精彩Maya素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这个玛雅教程中,我们 ' ll 覆盖方法将拓扑添加到我们新的或现有的模型,以使创建的嘴形和表达式可行。对于专注于动画的人来说,拥有一个字符来处理非常重要。在前面的课程中,我们经历的建立一个基本的性格,我们可以用来练习我们的动画过程。字符是为了说明动作和情感通过只有身体的移动。虽然这是为最有效地利用我们的性格变得伟大实践 ' s 身体动作,在某一时刻我们 ' ll 可能想要开始创建面部表情,甚至让我们人物说话。我们 ' 将使用各种工具在玛雅像分割多边形工具和插入边缘循环工具手动添加和删除边缘和一般根据需要重排几何。我们 ' ll 也添加内部的口几何和重新组装的脑袋,但现有的身体。 原文: In this Maya tutorial, we'll cover methods for adding topology to our new or pre-existing model to make creating mouth shapes and expressions feasible. For anyone focusing on animation, having a character to work with is important. In a previous course, we went through the process of building a basic character that we could use to practice our animation. The character is meant to show action and emotion through only the movement of the body. While this is great practice for getting the most out of our character's body movements, at some point we'll probably want to start creating facial expressions and even make our character speak. We'll use a variety of tools in Maya like the Split Polygon Tool and the Insert Edge Loops tool to manually add and remove edges and generally reroute the geometry as needed. We'll also add geometry for the interior of the mouth and reassemble the head with the existing body.